Chapter 24: Friday Night

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Picture of Hermione Dranes above


Leo's POV:

"So she said no to you" Anya growled angrily
"No, she said I should just give her some time"  I said calmly back to her

It was the next day at school and I was currently having lunch at my usual table with all my friends telling them all that happened between I and Hermione

"I think she has her reasons, maybe she's been some heartbreak and can't love anymore" Luna stated
"Or maybe she's just playing hard to get, I suggest Leo walks over and have his lunch with her" Anya said and everyone looks at her surprised

"No, trust me guys, if Leo keeps going over to her, she's bound to say yes" she said again
"Look Anya, you are acting all stupid, I don't believe in love but I don't think if I had a real boyfriend I'd let him go nilly willy" Roxy said to Anya
"Hey, I'm your real boyfriend" Josh (Roxy's flavor of the day) said hurt but everyone ignores him
"Please do this for me Leo" Anya said giving me the puppy eyes also totally ignoring what Roxy just said
"Fine" I muttered getting up while she smiles widely

I honestly wanted to leave that table, Anya's new selfish character is starting to irritate me, it isn't so cute anymore. I thought this would all end after like a week or two but no, she just loves competiting with Kendra.

"Hey" I say as I slipped into the seat next to Hermione opposite Nikita
"Hi" Nikita muttered while picking up her fork
"Hi" Hermione also said but shyly
"Um...Nikita can you......."
"No need to ask" She interrupted me with a smile before getting up and leaving just I and Hermione alone ......again

"So, how've you been?" Hermione asked, obviously she didn't know what to say
"Cool, you?"
"Did you think about what I told you yesterday" I asked her rather too early also unsure of getting a good answer
"Yes, I have" she said breathing heavily
"And you answer is?"
"Why not?, I honestly haven't been through this relationship stuff before so I though that it would be great if my first boyfriend was the person who saved my life and my dignity" she said cheerfully her face turning red.

She's gonna be a tough heart to break, she considers me her hero, I just can't do this.

"Really?, I didn't even really expect you to say yes but you did, I love you so much" I found myself saying and giving her a huge hug. I'm such a terrible person
"So, we are dating now?" Hermione asked after we broke from the hug
"Yes" I replied raising an eyebrow
"Just like that?" She asked still unsure
"What were you expecting?, a ring?, a vow?, a letter?, a certificate?" I asked chuckling
"Not really, never mind" she said timidly blushing some more
"So, what are the things that boyfriend and girlfriend do?" She said then quickly covered her mouth with her hand. Obviously, she didn't want to say that, she just blurted it out and that made me laugh
"You're so naive" I said still laughing making her more timid then an Idea popped in my head

"You know Brandon?" I asked
"Yeah, he's that guy with the strange accent that holds a party at his house every Friday night" she said
"Do you know what day of the week it is?" I asked
"It's Friday, why?" She said so innocently
"We are going to Brandon's party tonight pumpkin" I said poking her nose which of course made her blush
"I don't do night parties" she said
"But you will tonight, either you say yes now or I'll tell Nikita to make you say yes" I said, I know how all the best friends of nerds are so what Nikita would do to make Hermione come to a night party with me was something any dum-dum can guess easily.
"OK, fine I'll go but I can only be there for two hours" she said after a few seconds of her inner debating
"I'll, pick you up by nine then, bye pumpkin" I said pecking her cheeks ignoring her blush before strutting away.

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