3. Monday Morning Week Two

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Rei's Outfit^

3. Monday Morning Week Two

Trying to assure Noah that everything was fine with me after I showed up drenched and visibly frazzled was difficult but luckily I was good at bullshitting and so eventually, he dropped it and we continued partying the night away.

Not at Staircase though; I needed to get as far away from the club as possible. I managed to convince everyone that I had seen this really cool club on our way over here and that we should check it out and so we did.

Jasper and his mates were actually pretty cool and we ended up having loads of fun together as a group; it was great at keeping my mind off of Eli. We stayed out late, like really late. Like 3 am late.

To say my Nan was pissed when I got home would be an understatement. She was so angry that she made me go to work at 8 am the next day hungover and unbelievably tired. Yeah, I know; pure evil.

My work friend Sarah helped me out though; she manned the tables whilst I just worked on the till for the whole day. Bless her.

Anyway, it was now Monday morning and my anxiety was through the roof thinking about the fact that I was about to enter a confined space (school) that was going to contain the boy I had been trying to actively avoid and not think about since Friday (Elias Ryker/Hood Guy). I smoothed my hands over my pink cotton smock dress and gave my knee-high boots a little tug in a poor attempt to prepare myself. I could do this. Taking a deep breath, I shrugged my bag onto my shoulder and exited Noah's car.

"Friday night was so good Rei-Rei, I went home with this really hot blonde and - "

"Okay, Noah, let me stop you there," I turned and grabbed his shoulders, "I love you, but I swear, if you talk to me about one more meaningless hot blonde, brunette, ginger, whatever, I am seriously gonna disown you as a best friend...and maybe key your car." I turned to look at the said car, his beloved black Pontiac G8, and nodded my head, "yeah, I'll definitely key your car."

Walking towards the school, my confidence began to grow as I told myself that Elias definitely would not approach me. Nearing the gates, I slowed my pace to allow Noah to catch up with me.

Reaching my side, he pouted at me, "that wasn't very nice, I was just trying to tell you about my weekend and you had to go insult my baby." I rolled my eyes and carried on walking. Noah knew me better than anyone, though and grabbed my shoulder to stop me, "Hey, you ok?"

I smiled at him and shook off my doubt, "yeah No-No, I'm fine." He nodded his head as if I'd given him the answer he wanted and swung his arm around my shoulders, my smile broadened as I completely forgot about my reason for being scared.

— — — — —

My first three periods went by pretty smoothly. There was the usual teasing from Lana about how I was gonna be on my own but I decided to be the bigger person and just flip her bird as I walked away.

The third bell rang and I packed my bag as quickly as possible to try to escape the hell that was English class, but of course, my teacher just had to ask me to stay behind.

"Miss Cole, I know we've only been back a week but now is a good a time as any."

What on earth was this old crone on about?

"I've been looking at your essays from last year and I must say, I am quite impressed. Your view on the literature is often unique and your skill at providing evidence to back your opinion is profound."

Huh, maybe she wasn't such an old crone.

"I would really appreciate it if you would tutor some of my younger pupils"

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