21. Monday Week Seven

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21. Monday Week Seven

"What the hell!" Kie exclaimed, "you two have kissed before."

"Not surprising, it was very tense between you two that one lunchtime," Tori added

"Which lunchtime?" Lana questioned.

"Oh, yeah, you're right, you still should've said though bitch," Kins remarked in relation to Tori's statement.

"Only once before, and I never said anything because things got weird between us afterwards and," I paused for a moment, "we haven't really been hanging out just us girls anymore."

The girls all looked contemplative for a moment before Lana released a sigh and nodded, "yeah, you're right. With the group getting bigger and us all having our own stuff going on, it has been hard to find time to hang out."

"We could do a girls night at mine?" Kie offered, looking around at all of us.

"Um, it wouldn't really be a girls night with your brother around, Kie?" Tori pointed out sheepishly, Kie pouted but nodded her head in agreement.

"Well my house then," Kinsey declared, "everyone come over straight after school?"

Everyone nodded in agreement and my chest felt lightened at the thought of spending the night with the girls, just unwinding but my moment was ruined by Lana.

"Rei, chica, keep the hair over your neck," Lana admonished from the other side of the table. Embarrassed, I grabbed my hair and hastily pulled it in front of my ears and made it fall in a way which covered the hickeys adorning my neck, goddamn Eli!

Speaking of the devil, his voice whispered into my ear, "why you covering them up tigru?"

I won't lie, I exploded. I jumped up out of my seat, swivelled around to face him, my hair flying and pointed my finger into his chest angrily as I exclaimed, "why? Why? Why do you think Eli!?"

He gave me an arrogant smirk in return before nodding in the direction of my neck again, "I can see them again," he let out a low whistle, "damn. They're pretty bad tigru."

Completely exasperated, I let out a breathe of air before grabbing his wrist and tugging him out of the cafeteria and into the outside area where there were less prying ears.

"You smug little bastard," I stated as I dropped his wrist and crossed my arms across my chest. Eli took no care of my blazing anger and instead leant on a tree trunk casually before pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. Sensing that I wasn't done, however, he said nothing and let me continue in my rant.

"You are honestly the most arrogant person I have ever met! Do you have any idea how stressful it is trying to keep these covered?" I motioned agitatedly to my neck, "it is 83º out here Eli, I would most likely die if I wore a high neck so instead, I have spent the entire day using my hair to cover up your stupid hickeys!"

Eli made no response to my outburst, merely taking drags of his cigarette and staring over at me with a small smirk on his lips.

"Seriously?" I paused and narrowed my eyes at him, "you're just gonna stand there."

He pushed off the tree and put his cigarette out before stepping close to me, "what do you want me to say, tigru?" He raised his hand to cup the nape of my neck, pushing my hair out of the way as he did it, I sucked in a breath of air at the action. His breath smelt of mint and cigarettes as he spoke to me, "want me to say sorry, Reillyn?" He tilted my head to the side and pushed my t-shirt down slightly with the back of his wrist so he could get a good look at his handiwork, "cause I'm not sorry."

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