20. Sunday Week Six

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I used the creepy face thing again, but it's exactly how I envisioned Rei's hair. 

20. Sunday Week Six

Nervous, I tugged my oversized denim jacket closer around my body like a shield as Ty, my Nan and I all waited patiently for the Ryker door to be opened.

"Rei!" Debbie exclaimed upon seeing me, "you look gorgeous," she pulled the door open wider and then ushered us inside, "come in, come in."

We all heeded her instruction and Ty ran off in search of the other kids whilst I introduced Debbie to my Nan, "Debbie, this is my Nan, Mary. Nan this is Debbie." They greeted each other but before they could start chatting, I handed Debbie the twins' birthday presents. "The pink is for Ivy and the yellow is for Aspen."

"Aw, Rei. You didn't have to get them anything, let alone something for each of them," she said gratefully taking the presents off me and putting them on a table.

My eyebrows furrowed, "why would I not get them each a present?"

"Well, most people just get something big for the both of them."

"Really!?" I exclaimed, "how does that not piss them off?"

"Reillyn Cole!" My Nan reprimanded me, I gave her a sheepish smile in response before going out to the garden to find everyone else and leave them both to chat.

The garden was decked out very nicely. The pool had glass blocks over it which made a makeshift dance floor where all the little kids were running around like nutters. Ivy and Aspen's names were streamed everywhere and I don't think there was anywhere I could look without having pink and yellow balloons in my eye-line.

"Oh God," Kie admonished as she came over to me and grabbed my shoulders, "Thank God, you are here!" She began shaking my shoulders, "if one more kid even breathes in my direction, I swear I am going to have to kill someone," she looked contemplative for a moment, "it will probably be Arik, he is pissing me off today."

A loud laugh escaped me at her words, "calm down Kie. Come on, there has to be some alcohol around here somewhere."

"Urgh," she trailed after me, "there had better be."

After 20 minutes of searching we came up empty, so we decided it was best to join our friends. Seeing as this was Eli's sisters' party, it was only Arik, Kyle, Jasper, Kie and I from our group but on my way over to greet them, I was intercepted by none other than Eli himself. He grabbed my wrist and gently tugged me to the side of the house, away from prying eyes.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Um, your mum invited me. Well, actually I think it was the twins but your mum was the one who sent me the text."

Eli's eyes were narrowed and he did not look happy, "what the fuck do you not get about staying away from me?"

At his rude words, my temper spiked and I tugged my arm out his grip before crossing them and narrowing my eyes at him in return, "not everything is about you, Elias. I am here for your sisters."

"Leave now," he demanded quite rudely.

"Who the hell do you think you are? You can't just order me around and expect me to do your bidding," I exclaimed, my arms rising and falling in frustration with this boy.

"For fucks sake Reillyn!" His hands rose to run through his hair, he was likely frustrated also, how many times were we going to have the same argument? But then he looked straight at me, met my gaze head on before practically growling the words, "just stay the hell away from me," he then stormed off and got lost in the crowd.

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