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I felt my pulse at the tip of my fingers and my breathing was in irregular patterns. My heart felt like it wanted to pop right out my chest and my legs were moving at their own accord. I took huge gulps of air and closed my eyes to stop the world from spinning around me.

"Relax, you'll do great" Mak comforted me, giving me a huge hug.

"You're right, I've got this" I reassured myself both bringing my confidence back and easing my nerves.

"Okay" I let out a breath before heading to the hall.

"Go get em' girl!" He yelled and I smiled to myself.


"Melokuhle Kunene for Kingston College..."

I stepped up to the podium and neatly set up my cue cards making it easier to see them. I nervously tugged at my skirt, using it to wipe the sweat on my palms. I looked forward and saw a flood of eyes staring back at me and immediately felt my heart pounding against my chest. Okay...relax. You can do this. I took one last breath, cleared my throat and then...

"What is gender? What is gender bias and what is its impact on modern sports? Well, before we can answer these questions we need to first ask the following: What is the difference between soccer and female soccer?..."

I went on to discuss my different points on discrimination, sponsorships and the broadcasting of sports and I was glad to find the audience still awake and the judges, who gave an occasional nod here and there,seemed to be impressed with my arguments. And the more I spoke the more confident I was.

I felt a certain urge, electricity was flowing through my veins and I remembered exactly why I loved public speaking so much.

It's the feeling I get each time I stand in front of an audience. The mixture of nervousness and excitement somehow managed to be the perfect combination for me. The adrenaline.

I guess the thought of being able to completely change one's perspective is what drove my passion. The thrill of changing someone's life with just your words. Sharing a piece of your mind, a part of yourself. I guess that's what I like most about it.

My performance went well and everything went according to plan. I was confident, clear and audible and by the looks of things Miss Foster was impressed too.

I left the stage feeling better than I did when I first got up and let out a sigh of relief. Sitting next to Nonhle, who still had that proud expression of hers, and the rest of the team.

I watched as our opponents presented their different arguments and looking at each presentation I knew that the competition was tight but I was still confident that we would make it.

Nonhle could not stop tapping her foot from next to me and that's when I knew she felt threatened by all the other schools. And I must say she wasn't alone but I wasn't making it as obvious.

Once finally the last person spoke we headed out for a 15 minute interim while the judges made their verdict.

I went to the tuck shop and bought a packet of chips and sat on the bench just outside the hall. I needed something to chew on to calm my nerves and since there wasn't ice nearby I decided that the chips will just have to do.

"Argh, do you know the amount of calories in those?" Nonhle said as she sat next to me.

"I don't care Nonhle" I replied stuffing a handful of chips in my mouth.

"You know if we don't make it it will be your fault"

"Well then you should've done the solo round yourself then, I'm sure you would've done a much better job. I'm even sure our spot in the semifinals would be guaranteed. Why didn't you do this round anyway Nonhle?, I mean it was the captains round, shouldn't the captain have done it?"

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