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8 Months later.

"Happy Birthday to you...hip hip hooray" everyone sang as I awkwardly stood at the corner with a smile from ear to ear and my body still stiff from the shock.

"Uhm...Uhm I...yoh, I don't know what to say...Uhm thank you" I said while I tried to wrap my head around what just happened. I had only been gone for 30 minutes and in the span of half an hour they were able to do all this.

"We got you didn't we?" Sindi hugged me.

"You did all this?"

"Well yes but of course I did it with the help of a few very special people" she said motioning at everyone else.

"Happy Birthday" Siya jumped up and said before pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you girl" I said back.

"Happy Birthday Jub Jub" Luniko hugged me and I laughed.

"Thank you idiot" I said as I playfully punched his chest.

"Happy Birthday...sis" Nonhle said and I pulled her into a hug. Ever since we were introduced to each other as siblings it was obviously awkward at the beginning especially because of the drama that we had before but we made it work and now we're closer than ever. It does get a bit bumpy at times and sometimes we're at each other's throats but we always find a way back to each other.

"Happy Birthday" Mak said while giving me my gift.

"Thanks Mak" I whined.

"Oh by the way, I got you a real sunflower this time" he said and I hugged him again in excitement. I couldn't believe that he still remembered. Then again this is Mak we're talking about and when was he ever the forgetting type. He was truly my best friend and my soulmate.

"Thanks best friend" I smiled.

"Happy Birthday, Peanut" Senzo said with that stupid smirk of his. A year ago this smirk would've annoyed me but now it's somehow grown on me and instead forced me to blush and smile back. He calls me 'Peanut' now after finding out about my nut allergy and I think it's ridiculous but cute at the same time. Also I think he calls me that now because Luniko already had a cute nickname for me and somehow Senzo made it a competition. *Face palm*

"Thank you Shaka Zulu" I teased and I hugged him before he gave me my gift.

"Open this later when you're alone okay" he winked and I rolled my eyes before giving him a nod. Now that's all I'm going to think about. *Rolls eyes*

And finally my dad wished me a happy birthday. I gave him a warm hug before he gave me my gift and asked me to open it. Everyone's eyes were on me and I was pretty sure they could see the sweat running down my temples.

"Okay" I said looking up at him while he was looking at me in anticipation. I opened the gift bag and it had a box. I opened the box and then there it was, one of the most beautiful gifts I've ever received. It was a heart shaped locket which had the engraving of a tree with letters at its branches. Initials. My mother's initials, my father's initials and mine. Our initials.

"I didn't know if I should wait till we sorted out the surname thing or kept it the way it but I think I managed to reach a compromise." He said. My initials were 'M' for my name, 'K' for Kunene, my mother's surname and 'N' for my father's surname, Ndamase. I was still using my mother's surname and I was thinking of keeping it like that probably till I turn 21 but I still agreed to take up my father's surname, as a double barrel though because as much as I was my father's daughter, my mother was still a part of my identity. I don't know how that's going to work when I get married one day...

I turned it over and then there was a picture of my mother and I on the other side, a picture that was taken a year before she died. I smiled to myself. I didn't cry thinking about her anymore. Instead I smiled thinking about all the memories I shared with her which continuously played at the back of my mind like a film.

I looked around the room and saw nothing but love. This was the first birthday where it wasn't just my mother and I or Sindi and I. This year I had an entire family. Yes, one big dysfunctional family but aren't families supposed to be like that anyway? 18 years later who would've thought I would be standing her with my father, my hero. Standing here with Sindi, my biggest cheerleader. Mak, my pillar of strength. Senzo, my knight in shining armor. Siya, my ride or die. Luniko, my compass. Nonhle, the black to my white. And finally my mother, my heart.

We all went through pain but that pain got us to where we are today. It might've been quite the mess getting here but if you ask me, I would say it was A Beautiful Mess and I'd do it all over again.

A/N: Well that's it but before we wrap this up I'm just interested in hearing your ideas about the following...

1. What career choice do you think Melo is going to pick?

2. How do you feel about Mr. Ndamase being Melo's father?

3. What gift do you think Senzo got Melo? (Mina I like things so I want to know too👀😂😂)

A Beautiful Mess.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon