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"Melo you're going to need to come out of there sooner or later" Sindi said from the other side of the door. I had locked myself in my room for the whole night and couldn't get even a single wink of sleep. I couldn't close my eyes and not think about everything wrong in my life.

"Melo please come out...I made breakfast and you know I said I wouldn't touch the stove again...Melo please open the door" she begged and I sighed before finally opening the door for her. "Eat something, please" she said and I just followed her into the kitchen.

I took a seat and she put a plate of breakfast in front me which I just stared at.

"Come on Melo, please eat something" she begged and I took a bite of the toast. She had made eggs, bacon, avo and toast and even though I was really appreciative of the fact that she went out of her way to make me breakfast despite the fact that she said she wouldn't touch the stove again after the whole Rori ordeal, I still couldn't eat because I didn't have the appetite to eat right now.

"I'm sorry Sindi, I just don't have the appetite right now, but thank you" I said and walked back to my room.

I stayed there for most of the day until I grew tired of being indoors and decided to shower and go take a walk. After I got dressed I looked in the drawer for my mother's watch but couldn't find it. I then looked in the box and still couldn't find it. I frantically looked all over the room for it and the possible places it could be but still couldn't find it.

"Sindi have you seen Mama's watch?" I asked her hoping she put it somewhere safe.

"No, I haven't seen it anywhere" she replied and I started to panic and looked around the entire house trying to find it.

After almost an hour of trying to find it I gave up and threw myself on the bed in defeat. I probably lost it at school. I should've never worn it in the first place. Just another thing to add to my long list of problems.


I sat and watched some Real Housewives with Sindi for the rest of the day while I listened to her talk about random topics until my phone rang and I was glad to see that it was actually Mak.

"Mak, oh my gosh I'm so glad you called, how are you?" I said as my mood was lifted.

"I should be asking you that question" he replied.

"No, Mak don't worry about me.I'm so glad to hear your voice. What happened? What did the doctor say? Are you home yet?"

"Yes I'm finally home, just a broken arm and a few broken ribs but I'm recovering fine. I should be back at school in about a week or two"

"I'm so happy to hear that. And the person responsible, has he been dealt with?"

"Yeah" he sighed, "Disciplinary hearing is in a week. I'm glad this is going to be over soon"

"Me too...so are you going to tell me about Andre and what you did?" I asked trying to be careful in my approach.

"Do you really want to know?"

"Yes I want to know"

"Okay fine. I got it on video"

"You got what on video"

"I got Andre dealing in the bathrooms on video"

"What? Do you know how much of a risk that was"

"I know now"

"That was so reckless Mak"

"But it worked didn't it? Now Andre can't deny it because we have him red handed on camera"

"And what about Bradley?"

"What about him?"

"Mak I know he's the one who did this to you"

"He's been dealt with okay? You don't have to worry him...thank you by the way"

"For what?"

"Just for being there when this happened. Who knows what could've happened if you guys didn't get there in time"

"You should thank Senzo, he's the one that knew what to do. We should both thank him"

"I'll give him a call later" he said and then we went on to discuss other things. We avoided talking about what happened yesterday and spoke about things on the lighter side. We laughed and it felt really good to talk to my best friend again. I really missed him, my guardian angel, and I didn't shy away from thinking about how things would've been different had he been there when the fight happened. He probably would've stopped me before it happened. But to be honest me hitting Nonhle was going to happen sooner or later and I think he knew that too. Still, I loved Mak and would do anything for him. He was more than a best friend to me. He was now my family. Yes, he's my family...

We spoke for close to two hours before we hung up and I joined Sindi couch as she scrolled through the different channels, unsure about what to watch.

"I'm bored" she complained and turned to face me with that 'up to something' smile of hers. "Can I?" She asked and I rolled my eyes and said yes and she ran to the room to get her make up bag.

A Beautiful Mess.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя