Chapter Three

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"THERE HE ARE," ADELAIDE SAID when Darren walked into the living room

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"THERE HE ARE," ADELAIDE SAID when Darren walked into the living room. "Liam, Aimee, get off your lazy asses, it's time for dinner!"

Liam and his sister Aimee got up from the six-person couch that they'd occupied with just the two of them. Aimee grunted when she saw what her mother was holding in her hands. "Again, Ma?"

Adelaide laughed. "I know you don't like it, but we gotta eat healthy. We don't want Darren to think we're pigs." She winked at him.

"I don't think Darren would mind if we ate some pizza."

Without saying any more, Adelaide put down a bowl in the middle of the table. The move made her seem very motherly in combination with the white apron she was wearing and the caring smile on her lips.

"It smells good in here." Isaiah walked into the room. "Did you make that for us, Ada?" he asked Adelaide.

She chuckled. "'Course I did."

"What did I do to deserve that?" He put an arm around her waist and his hand sat on her hip where his dark skin was in stark contrast with the white apron when he leaned in to kiss her on her cheek. "Feels good to be home again, honey."

Adelaide looked at Darren. "He does this e'ery day," she said, laughing.

"And I mean it every day," Isaiah said, his lips still against her cheek when they curl into a smile.

"You're gross," Aimee said. She took a seat at the dinner table but avoided looking at her parents' romantic moment.

"What do we have for dinner tonight?" Isaiah asked. He took off his jacket and also sat down at the table. "Darren, don't hesitate. Take a seat!"

While Darren had become a passive participant in this scene, he looked up when his name was called and did as he was told. He sat down next to Aimee and opposite Liam.

"We're going Italian tonight," Adelaide said.

"Pizza is Italian too..."

Adelaide went on undisturbed. "This is gnocchi with green pesto. It has tomatoes and lots of lettuce mixed into it." She stood behind Isaiah with her hands resting on his shoulders. "I thought we would try somethin' new."

"It looks the same to all healthy things we eat," Aimee said.

Liam shook his head. "Sis..."

"I'm excited," Isaiah said, giving Adelaide a gentle tap on her hand before she removed her hands from his shoulders and sat down opposite him, next to Darren. "Shall we take a moment to pray?"

Darren tried to hide his surprise. He didn't know they prayed before dinner. He'd seen the wooden necklace with the cross around Isaiah's neck, but it hadn't dawned on him that this family was Christian.

Adelaide held out her hand to him. "Feel free to do what you want," she said. "You don't have to."

He took her hand, and Aimee took his other. When every hand had another to hold, the five of them formed a chain around the dinner table. Adelaide, Isaiah, Liam, and Aimee all closed their eyes, while Darren kept his wide open. It felt wrong to just watch, but he would feel even guiltier if he joined their prayer while he didn't believe in a God.

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