Chapter 1.8 Pretence

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It was none other than one of the most famous Italian doctors who visited their college a year ago. Her name was in tabloids due to one of her remarkable research that she did along with one of their professors. It was on the topic of colitis. This girl sitting in front of her was quite famous due to her contributions to the research.

What the hell? How did she get involved with the second in command of Irish mafia?

She was her ideal and she dreamt of working with her. Suddenly she felt very awkward.

"Umm...." She did not know how to approach her.

Rosalyn was standing near the window. She turned to find a very stunning woman dressed in one of the designer gowns standing at the entrance of her room.

The ring on her finger and the diamond choker on her neck was enough to tell Rosalyn that she was probably one of the elite. Her lips twisted with disgust. The look of disgust that Rosalyn gave to Olivia made her bow her head shamefully.

She must be thinking that I am one of them.

"And you are?" Rosalyn asked with all the attitude in the world.

Olivia raised her head. "I am Olivia. Ummm- I met you when you came to give a motivational speech in my medical school." She mumbled. Rosalyn's eyes widened.

"What?" her hand flew to cover her mouth and she took few steps towards Olivia. "What are you doing here then?" Rosalyn was curious now. A look of uncertainty and fear passed over Olivia's face. When she got no answer from Olivia Rosalyn fired another question. "Are you also forced to be here?"

Olivia nodded, straightening her dress with long, nervous strokes.

"Oh my God!" Rosalyn gasped. She pulled Olivia inside the room and shut the door.

"For how long?" Firstly Olivia did not understand her question. "Huh?"

"Jesus! For how have you been here in this hell hole?" Rosalyn asked exasperated.

"Oh, I think six months." Her heart was pounding hard in her chest.

Don't reveal too much, Idiot! What if she says something in front of Archer? The things have just started improving between them now. She did not want to be back on square one.

Rosalyn sat down on the bed. Olivia was not stupid. She could see the wheels turning in her head. I have to give her some insight on the way of life of this world or else she will get herself in trouble. She sighed and sat beside her. The next few hours they were alone so Olivia used that time to tell her bits about herself and dos and don'ts. Rosalyn sat there listening to her quietly. She was literally gobs-struck.

When it was almost midnight a maid came to escort Rosalyn to her new bedroom. Before going away she hugged Olivia and told her to take care. The same maid delivered the news to Olivia that her husband was calling for her.


Ahmar could not wait to get alone with Rosalyn. The bitch had crossed the line today by disrespecting the only woman that he respected and loved so much. He could not wait to show her place to her. She would think before opening that pretty mouth of hers again. He would make her apologize to his mother.

When Ahnar went to his room he found her sitting on the edge of the bed. On seeing him she stood up and went closer to him.

Alright, she has guts or she is plain stupid.

"I-I want to apologize to your mother." She was fidgeting. "I am not saying that because I am s-scared of you. I mean not that I am not but," She took a deep breath and continued. "It's not her fault....Whatever that has happened to me..." Her voice was barely above the whisper. "I just felt so defeated and hurt. And yeah frustrated...I ended up lashing out on her. That was a low blow." All this time when she was talking to him she had kept her eyes on his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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