issue one: she's kind of a bitc-

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After a few agonizing minutes, the door opened and my eyes burned into the hateful hazel of Brad Jones.

"Where the fuck is my sister?" I asked, clenching my jaw and balling my fists. Poisonous rage coursed through me. "Where the fuck-"

I gasped when I heard a loud sound up the staircase. I pushed past him before he could react and ran across the grand hallway. I took in the blur of stately busts and mahogany wainscoting. The heavy, dark velvet red carpets masked my footsteps. The entire house was bathed in a regal, golden glow emanating from the ornate chandeliers overhead. I placed my hand on the bannister and flew up the stairs and towards the source of the sound. I heard another loud bang and a shriek. My blood ran cold at the familiar voice. 


I reached the first floor. There was a long corridor with multiple photographs on the wall and a line of doors. The sounds were coming from the one door on my left. I opened it forcefully, ready to yell at whatever was going on when several things happened at once.

I saw Kailey laughing deliriously as a boy hugged her from behind, lifting her up. She was surrounded by the rest of her friends as they laughed along with her. None of them seemed to be drunk. Their laughter ceased suddenly as they turned to face me.

I opened my mouth to yell at them before my vision was darkened by something strongly smelling like glue.

"What the-?" I spluttered.

I staggered backwards. A gooey mixture of glue and water rained on me. The suffocating smell ensnared my senses, sticking to my skin grossly. I became aware of loud, cruel laughter and my blood froze as realization dawned on me.

I reached for my face and desperately tried to brush off the glue, my stomach a pool of shame as they laughed harder. My vision was compromised, my head dizzy from the strong stench.

"Man, you really did it, Kay!" one of the guys said, laughing.

I finally managed to brush the glue off my eyes and glare at them, my heart hammering. I pursed my lips tightly, afraid that the disgusting stuff would enter my mouth.

Another guy spoke, still laughing like a madman, "Alright, you win this round. Next up?"

A laughing Kailey walked over to me, shaking her head as she spoke through giggles, "Sorry Nic, I got a dare to get you over here as fast as possible."

A stranger's words followed hers.

"Think this might make a good photo for the newsletter!"

My blood boiled. Humiliation gnawed at my insides as a flash went off. I struggled to breathe through the strong smell. Someone handed me a wet towel as my anger flared. I took the towel, wiping my face desperately and listening to Kay's maniacal giggles as she shrieked, "This is fucking hilarious!"

I turned away and stomped out of the room. I could hear laughter and loud yells behind me and increased my pace, my insides burning in catatonic rage. Brad yelled after me as I climbed down the staircase. "Hey man, don't take it seriously. It was just a joke-"

I gazed at the pristine, red velvet on the floor, a thought forming in my mind as the humiliation swirled in my stomach.


His words were cut off when I jumped down from the last stair and lay flat on my back on the expensive carpet. I heard shouts and screams as my tormenters climbed down the staircase.

Brad gave a loud yell, taking in a sharp breath. "What the fuck? Get the hell out of there! My mom will murder me! Fuck!"

I lay down, pretending to make snow angels. Maybe I was going overboard with trying to pay them back, but they deserved it. After a while, I sat up straight and gazed at them, smiling brightly. "Hey sorry, I'm just not very fond of the super sticky feeling, you know ?"

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