48: Backlash

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(A/N: My story is #1 in Suga right now and I'm screaming omg I don't understand how that happened!!! I just topped over 70,000 stories including both BTS ship fanfics and the Suga x readers!!! Y'all are amazing for doing that!!! I cri) 

(A/N#2: Also, new character! Bet y'all can guess who it is?)

"Mom, it really isn't necessary--"

"Don't be silly," Queen Min pat Yoongi's shoulder before glaring over at Jungkook, not so subtly. "If your husband can't watch over you properly, then I will."

Jungkook scowled at the remark, but kept his mouth shut knowing that he would make the situation worse.

"Mom, he was taking good care of me," Yoongi insisted. "I made a small mistake. It wasn't his fault!"

"Well, there will be no small mistakes while I'm here," Min smiled. "No matter who's mistake it was before." 

"You really don't need to stay here. You have your own kingdom to run."

"Your father is going to be home running the kingdom," she dismissed his argument. "I'm staying here to watch over you whether you like it or not."

Yes. Jungkook's mother-in-law was moving in temporarily to keep an eye on him.

And yes. Jungkook was indeed having an internal panic attack. 

Jungkook could beat her in a fight any day but he was lowkey scared of her anyway. Okay, maybe high key scared, but that's besides the point.

The point is that Jungkook was about to be absolutely miserable for the next few months. Not only did he have Beomgyu and the emotional pregnant Yoongi, and a whole kingdom to rule over... he was now also going to have his mother-in-law breathing down his back and judging every single thing he did, said, or even only thought to himself. 

He was convinced that she could read his mind with her evil motherly powers.

"But mom!"

"No buts," she shushed Yoongi. "Unless of course you'd rather come back home and live with your dad and I for a while."

"No!" Yoongi shook his head quickly. "I wanna stay here with Jungkook!"

"With all due respect, Queen Min," Jungkook finally spoke up. "I don't think this is a very good idea. We are just fine the way we are."

"You didn't protect him!"

"I did," Jungkook glared at her, despite how it sent shivers down his spine to go against her. "I went after him and got him back before he could be harmed in any way."

"That's a lie," she hissed. "He must have been mentally harmed in some way if it gave him nightmares!"

"He's fine," Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Anyone who gets kidnapped would naturally have a nightmare or two afterwards, but Yoongi's only ever had the one, and he's completely better now. He doesn't need you to stay here."

"He's not the reason I'm staying here," she snapped. "I know he's recovered."

"Then what--"

"I'm here to observe you, Jeon. If I don't think you are good enough at keeping him safe, then I'll take him home with me."

Jungkook's eyes widened.

"You can't do that!" Yoongi protested. "We're married under a treaty! That's breaking the treaty!" 

"I'm your mother, and I'm in charge of you," Queen Min sighed. "I don't mean to upset you, but I'm just looking out for you. It's in my nature to look after you and keep you safe. What kind of mother would I be if I left you, knowing that you could be in danger?"

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