Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
|A long road to go|

Leanna Russel

"Please sit" I say to him as I sit down on the brown leather chair that I always use. The warden goes over to the other chair which is for the prisoners but as he isn't in chains nor is a prisoner and he isn't a patient I do hope it is all right. "Now, you wonder why I am here but can't figure out the reason, correct?" He asks me and I smile as I look down to the ground. "Yeah, it's not every day that I get a visit from the warden. Just to be sure, I still have my job?" I ask, hopeful.

He chuckles and then brushes a hand through his blonde hair that have hints of white strands but he pulls it off gracefully. "Dr. Russel make no mistake your job is safe, in fact that is why I am here. The patients that you have show great results when getting back into society and that is why I need you to take on another patient. One that none other have been able to handle. Your safety will of course be the top priority as he is known to attack-" He says but I put my finger up to stop him.

"I would love to take on another patient but I don't want detail. In order to do my job right as you say and I appreciate the compliment, I don't want to know anything about the patient" I tell him and he nods his head. Crossing my leg over the other hand, my eyes run over to the ring on my finger and a smile forms on my lips. "That is unusual yet I don't know what therapists do" He jokes and I let out a giggle. Standing up I walk over to my desk to open my laptop and pull up my schedule.

"How many sessions a week will he be having?" I ask him as I look at him and wait kindly. He leans forward in the chair. "Every day" He answers and I nod as I look over my schedule. Now that Mr. Hastings will be released and our sessions are over I do have time. "I can do every day between the time twelve to one but not on Wednesday, I'm fully booked then, will that be all right?" I ask him as I look over at him.

He stands up. "That will be perfect, Dr. Russell. I will see myself out. He will be coming in just a couple of minutes. Good day" The warden says and before I could even utter another word he has already walked out the door and closes it after him. I lightly shake my head as I start to add the new patient in my schedule, but I will have to change it later for I don't know his name. Looking at the clock I see that the clock is five minutes before twelve. Gathering my things and taking a clipboard and a paper and a pen I go to the table in between the two brown leather chairs.

I also take out a form like the one that Mr. Hastings took and a pencil and put it on the table. Only making sure that everything is ready for the new patient. Soon the clock strikes twelve and I wait. Sitting down after a couple of minutes pass and the clock is already seven minutes over twelve. A few minutes pass once more and I wait in the silence before a knock on the door and I stand up as the door opens.

Seven guards come in with a man in middle of them. At first glance I can only see his orange pantsuit but them while they're putting him in the chair and chaining him there, I see him. His messy dark brown hair that ruffles all around. His face is down but I can still see that on his fingers, neck and I think part of the face has tattoos that despite being something that I don't like but he somehow manages to pull it off. "The door will be closed but take this" A guard says to me and hands me a taser.

I look down at it and I frown but he and the rest of the guards leave before I could even say anything, that seems to be the theme for the day. I throw the taser into the trash bin by the door. "My name is Dr. Russell and you are...?" I ask him as I sit down and cross my right leg over my left one. Not once has he looked up and the tension is thick in the room but the scent of the flowers drive that away. He doesn't answer me.

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