Chapter 23

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Chapter 23
|Bloody mess|

Leanna Russel

"Does anyone have water or alcohol?" I ask the three men in the car and all three of them deny that and I sigh. This is going to be a bit harder than I thought it was going to be. I had already asked Silas if he had a first aid kit and when he said he did not I told him that it was important to have one in every car. Adam has three in his car. Only in case that someone else needs it if there would be a accident and a lot of people were injured and they'd need medical attention.

"Does anyone have a knife, thread and a needle?" I ask but they shake their head but the man in the front passenger seat silently hands me a knife and I giggle as the driver does too and Silas picks up a knife from his pocked. "All right, this is going to be much harder than expected. Since I don't have anything, I'm not going to be able to sterilize anything or stitch the wound up when I've got the bullet. You're going to need to go to the hospital and soon" I tell Silas as I take his knife.

My fingers brush against his as I take the knife and my eyes instantly run over to his kohl black ones as I feel myself start to blush. I clear my throat. Silas doesn't say anything. "I'm going to need you to take off your t-shirt, it's in the way" I tell him quietly and a bit awkwardly. He nods his head and undresses himself out of the t-shirt that he was wearing and is soaked in blood on the sleeve. When he does this it doesn't seem like it hurts him at all.

He doesn't flinch nor look like he's in any sort of pain at all which does confuse me but I've other things to worry about than that. I gulp when I see his chest. His six-pack is so visible that it makes my heart almost melt. His abs are so big and he is muscular that I feel like I'm going to faint. Silas chuckles when he catches me looking and the blush that I already had on my face only deepens and I'm sure I look like a red tomato right about now.

I lightly shake my head and clear my throat. Since I don't have anything to wipe away the blood I try to work around it as I put the knife to the side as I touch the wound around the sides. Trying to pinpoint where the bullet is located because if I rip something that I should not have then it could become worse. "You're in luck. The bullet is not that deep but deep enough to sit stuck. I'm not sure if it nicked the bone or not but you're going to have to get that looked at" I tell him but I'm far too busy to look at him as I'm focused on the wound.

I may not have that much training in this field but I know that I can do this and I'm not afraid of a little blood and this is for the good since he could be seriously hurt or worse. I can't allow that to happen. Silas nor anyone say anything about it. I suppose they're given me the silence to work. I pick up the knife and take a deep breath as I dig the end of the blade slowly into the wound as I locate the bullet.

The metal of the knife comes in contact with the bullet and I slowly pick up the knife that the other guy gave me and put it on the other side of the bullet and slowly I start to remove the bullet. Perhaps this is not the best way of doing things but at least it is working as the bullet starts to move and then I take it out of the wound and drop it on the side as I put the knives that are now covered in blood as well as my hands and then I take his t-shirt.

"You're not going to wear this again" I tell him as I put the t-shirt around his arm and tie a knot to stop the blood that still continues to flow. "There, it's not much but with the limited things that I have, it's the best thing that I can do" I say as I finally look up at Silas. I can't be sure what his look says but I feel myself blush even deeper about it. For a moment all three of them stare at me and I feel nervous under their glance as no one has said a word.

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