Chapter 32

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Chapter 32
|The past|

Leanna Russel

After that kiss that we share I did not see him for the rest of the day. Food did come to me around three and then once again at seven. Some woman came with the food but she never said a word to me when she came into the room and she always locks the door behind her when she goes which I find annoying since the only places I can go is this room, the bathroom, the closet and the library which doesn't have a way out other than this door. I've looked so many times but never have I seen another door.

After Silas had kissed me like that I'm actually grateful that he did not come back, I'm not sure how I will be able to face him after that. It's far too embarrassing but with the time that I have had for myself I realized that I truly am falling for him like I had thought before but this time my feelings are running a bit deeper and with each time that we spend together I find myself falling even deeper and that only makes me feel so guilty.

I love Adam, and I want to marry him but I don't know why I feel this way with Silas. I don't know why or how I'm falling for him when I clearly love another and wish to marry him and spend the rest of my life with him. As I was about to walk to the window to watch the sunset the door opens and the woman walks inside but the clock is only eight in the evening and she doesn't have any food, I wonder what she is doing here with no food since she is the one that always comes with my food for me.

She walks over to me and hands me a note and then she walks out of the room but leaves the door open. I look at the note in my hand to see that there is only one word written on it but that word makes me understand what Silas wants now from me. He had written session on the note and I can tell that he wants to have another session with me so I take a deep breath and walk to the door. This is going to be much harder than I thought it was going to me.

We shared a kiss and he was is intimate with me and he had been right, the book had some things that I did not want to read so I did not finish it actually. I walk out of the room and down the hallways. Knowing that if I were to try to get out of the mansion and somewhere else, escape I mean I would not know where to go. We're in Spain and I don't even know this country nor even where we are so escaping would be highly difficult for me, even impossible.

I feel my heart begin to pound within my chest as I walk the hallways to the office where I have memorized where was so when I stand in front of the door I feel my heart want to leap out of my chest like never before and I'm not even sure if I will be able to calm it any time soon and I'm not sure if I want to. I close my eyes and take a deep breath once again before I open my eyes and let out the breath and open the door.

Silas is the first thing that my eyes but then next thing is a new gun that is his hand. It looks new and that worries me so much that I can barely breathe. He points the gun at me. "Sit!" He orders me and I gulp as I eye the gun and sit down, never taking my eyes from the gun as his finger is on the trigger and so close to shooting me that it's unreal. The smirk on his face as he has one of his leg crossed over the other one and leaning up against the chair.

"Now, it seems I've been far too easy on you to the point where you disobey me and now I'm done playing nice" He says to me as he still has his gun pointed at me and it doesn't look like he's going to take that gun from me any time soon and that is what has been worried. That he can shoot me at any given moment and there would be nothing that I can do about it but take it possibly die. "Is this going to be a session or...?" I trail off, not knowing what to say to him right now.

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