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I feel there's something wrong with me

But considering everything else I'm fine

And everyone seems to be going through it

But my existence seems to be a lie

No matter where I look, how hard I try,

When I concentrate, everything's too loud

And I can feel myself falling in between the atoms of everything I see.

At least she admits that I experience it a bit more than others

"The pandemic is getting to you" she says

I don't want validation, I just want answers

How do I stop this

I want to feel real again

Is it because my mind is too much for me?

Everyone around me seems to think I'm an intelligent human being

But they all seem to be like cardboard cutouts

Easily knocked over and replaced

I experienced the world through my eyes but they are failing me,

My fingers move without complete thought to get ahead in this life.

One more word, one more flash of electricity

And I'll keep you here with me,

I'll keep you here with me

I want to curl up and disappear inside myself

Struggling, fighting to regain thought

No gender, head empty, is it because of me

Or am I just so disconnected with reality

That I can't feel a thing

A woman I barely remember is my only tether

Was she ever real, I'll never know

Everyone seems to say so

But they're not real either so...

(As long as I don't end up like her, I'll be okay)

(All I have to do is live through another day)

(No scars on my arms from me, no damaged liver)

(I will be okay)

(Just you wait)

To be honest all I've wanted to do is hold onto someone tight

Circumstances where they're warm and they won't struggle right?

I look for the perfect human, and I'm almost there but no,

It's all being taken away from me

But I'll wait 5 years so...

I want to curl up and disappear inside myself

Struggling, fighting to regain thought

No gender, head empty, is it because of me

Why can't reality...

I used to feel it sometimes, but now it's everywhere I look

Hazy days, hazy scene, is it just me

Running on code, words coming out my mouth

And I'm not thinking at all

Every key that I press makes me think I might be insane

Actually no, because I don't have psychosis

Just trying to express some trapped soul inside of me

"The pandemics getting to you" she says...

Am I done yet?...

My Personal Songbook (PT 1)Where stories live. Discover now