Ignorance Is Bliss

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Sometimes you blink and become self aware

And the world begins to close in on you

Now you're stuck in a videogame, with no way to get out.

The audio coming from your phone is simply just a voice, no person on the other side, trying to keep your attention

And all the objects are merely objects, no meaning to them at all

All the people around you are NPC's, because you realize you could stop caring at any moment

Because when you get rid of feelings, you strip the world down to its core,

I'm stuck in a videogame and there's no way to get out

And I look down at my chest, and want to rip it open so it can get stiched back together without the extras

Every little movement I make seems wrong, all the actions I've made in the past

There's no way to get rid of it, my hands clutch and flap and shake and scratch for any meaning at all

When I go to DC, I'll forget because that's how things seem to go

But at the thought of not caring, my brain just screams no

For some reason it thinks I can do something if I just worry a lot

Maybe the force of my thoughts will keep his dad's mouth shut

Every sound seems disruptive now

No place where I can fit

I'll wait for it to pass, try to distract myself because ignorance is bliss

But then again that's where another problem rises up

Because every time I go on social media I see people fighting for their right to exist

I don't want to read a book because the words seem dull and heavy and bland in my brain

I don't want to knit because I know I'll eventually throw the needles down out of pure frustration at nothing supposedly

And I don't want to FaceTime and I don't want to connect with you, even though I know I'm supposed to

But I think about you 24/7, and I want to hold onto you and never let go

Ignorance is bliss

Let's just go with that

Because my eyes are failing and I can't seem to get a grip

Ignorance is bliss

Let's just go with that

Because my eyes are failing and I can't seem to get a grip.

My Personal Songbook (PT 1)Where stories live. Discover now