Comforting For You

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You're beautiful in your own way

And the people who beat you down are wrong

For making you feel that way.

And I know that you might have made mistakes and that's okay,

Just get up again

And make amends

When you're ready to start again.

Your low self-esteem clouds you like a heavy fog,

You look at yourself and say "it's all wrong"

And it's not

Because you are you,

And the only reason you feel this way is because society likes boxes and you may not fit

And that's okay

People are discriminated against for the stupidest things

Things they can't control and shouldn't be made fun of anyways

The color of your skin, the body, and shape you're in

Your sexuality and gender or just how your brain functions

And honestly, people need to cut it out

Because we are all people on the same planet and stuff like that shouldn't divide us

And if you say someone isn't a human because of those things, then stop listening to this fucking song

This message is not for you, please come back when you're a nicer person and know better than you do now

My Personal Songbook (PT 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora