Chapter 19

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     A few weeks have passed since I was marked by my mates and things were better than ever. I mean sure, we did have our disagreements now and then. Mainly me and Axel getting pissed at one another before sitting on opposite ends of the couch and somehow ending up with me in his lap by the end of the movie. Atticus has opened up to me more and tells me more about his interests and is always there for me when I need to talk about deeper stuff. And Everett, sweet as ever, cuddles with me as much as he can and brings me the best food on his way back from pack meetings. And not to mention, the sex. And lots of it.

     I was currently sitting on the couch, watching tv by myself as the guys worked outside on a shed that they were building for me. I paused as I heard grunting and a fight breaking out outside. I ran to the door and threw it open seeing my mates fighting other supernaturals. Actually no, fighting council members. My mates were being overpowered by the number of council members and all I could do was stand there and watch. 

     I looked around, trying to find the best way for me to intervene. My eyes locked with the eyes of Damon who was looking at me affectionately but in a more psychotic way. Oh, shit. They found me. "Now, Ruby. You don't want us to have to hurt your mates, do you?" He asked me in a slightly tense tone as if he would gladly do just that. I looked over at my guys who were now restrained by several men as they tied magic blocking chains around Atticus, silver chains around Everett, and someone just flat out froze Axel with magic.

     "Come with us willingly, Ruby, and we won't harm them. It's always been you." I couldn't even stand to look at the man that I once thought that I was in love with. Just hearing his voice, sends shivers of disgust down my spine.

     "Fuck you," I glared at him. I could feel the anger rolling off of my men through the bond. I tried to think of an escape plan, but I came up short. There were more than thirty men and women council members surrounding my house. I could get away, but I couldn't say the same for my mates.

     Damon's facial expression looked hurt and then angry. "You can either come willingly, and your mates won't be harmed. Or we'll take you and kill them for harboring a fugitive that belongs to the council." I felt like someone just dumped a bucket of ice-cold water down my back.

     I stepped down the porch steps, walking towards Damon and the guards. "Rose, don't you fucking think about it," Axel yelled at me. I glanced towards my mates as I turned my back, putting my hands together as Damon wrapped silver chains with magic blocking properties around my wrists. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I looked at each of my mate's faces for one last time. "I love you. All of you. It's going to be okay." I smiled, but I knew that it conveyed the sadness that I felt in that moment.

     "Baby girl, you don't have to do this," Everett said, as tears were in his eyes.

     "Run, Roe!" Atticus pleaded with me, but I didn't move a muscle.

     I let Damon pull me by the wrists as I glanced back one more time at my mates who were yelling and pulling on their restraints. I was led into a portal, leading back to the one place that I hated the most. My old room at the council's experimental unit.


     I was led to my old room in the experimental unit of the council jail. Again, I was shackled to the middle of the floor as the silver burned the skin around my wrists, eventually making them numb to the pain. Everyone filed out of the room as I stood there emotionless.

     I saw Damon walk into my line of view. "We've been looking for you, Ruby. Or I guess that's not even your name." He laughed bitterly before gripping my chin so that I would meet his gaze with my own.

     "Does it matter? You betrayed me, Damon," I said, not even being able to fully put my anger into that statement.

     "I didn't have a choice! I was given orders and I had to follow through with them."

     I narrowed my eyes with hate. "Then why the fuck did you lead me on?! You could have just brought me here, to begin with!"

     "I had to get you to trust me first. I didn't mean to fall in love with you," He said quietly.

     I shook my head, backing away as much as my chains would allow. "I don't want to hear it. Just kill me already, I know you have the knife."

     He furrowed his eyebrows. "What knife?" I blinked in shock because if he doesn't have it, then who does?

     "Nevermind," I muttered, walking to the thin cot left in the corner of the room. "Leave, Damon." He didn't say anything more as he walked out of the room, locking multiple locks on his way out. I guess they were making sure that I didn't escape this time.

     I laid back on my cot as I thought about my mates that I left behind. I sighed, rolling over and closing my eyes. I wouldn't cry. Not here. Not when they can see my every movement in this concrete box.


Everett's POV

     My wolf was growling and begging to be released so that we could go find our mate. When Rose disappeared with the council, we were immediately released from our restraints since there was no way that we could track them.

     We all stood still, looking at the place where our mate just sacrificed her safety for ours. I couldn't get the look she gave us out of my head as she left us behind. I walked a few feet away before slinging my fist into the nearest tree, making it crack and fall the opposite way. My wolf was beyond pissed at the events that just occurred.

     "We need to go talk to Jackson. Maybe he knows where she is because of the contract?" Atticus suggested. Plus, it's not like we had any better ideas.

     Atticus teleported us to the bar where Jackson worked as we all rushed inside. I looked over where the bartenders were setting up for the day. "Excuse me, is Jackson working today?" Axel asked the guy who was putting the glasses out.

     He shook his head and scowled. "Nope. Didn't show up."

     I felt my anger boiling from the dead end. "You don't think he has something to do with it, do you?" I asked the other two guys as we walked outside and around the block.

     Atticus shrugged. "Maybe? But something just doesn't seem to be adding up..." Atticus trailed off as he was lost in thought. "I think I know a way that we can find her."


Rose's POV

     I was woken up by the sound of the door unlocking and opening, signaling breakfast time. It's terrible that I still even remember the schedule at this place. I glanced at the clock on the wall, seeing how much longer I have until my first beating.

     I looked over to the door as an old woman brought in a tray of food. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I've never seen anyone other than Damon or the leader of the council step foot into this room unaccompanied.

     "Ahh, good morning dear." She smiled at me brightly. I stared wide-eyed at the frail old woman as she sat the tray onto the floor in front of me. I'm more scared at the playing nice tactic than the fear-induced tactic. She left the room afterward, leaving me with a knife, fork, and spoon. They've never given me utensils to use in this place, out of fear that I'd stab someone.

     "What the actual fuck," I said as I eyed the food in front of me warily. It was bacon, eggs, pancakes, hashbrown, and fruit. They've most definitely never given me food like this before. What is their endgame in all of this? Maybe another experiment to see if I'd be affected by poisoned food?

     I shrugged, honestly not giving a shit at this point. What more could they do to me, that they haven't already tried? As long as my mates were safe, they couldn't use anything against me. Oh, boy, was I wrong about that.

I know, I know. Don't hate me with how things are going from here, but like, I hate it when I read a book with no main plot going on. 

What do you think happened to Jackson? And who has the knife?! Leave me your predictions.

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