Chapter 27

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     After we looked around the nursery more, Atticus led the way down the hall and towards our bedroom. A smile immediately lit my face when we walked through the door. First off, the room is massive. Second, there was a bed big enough to sleep eight people in it but something is telling me half of it would never be used.

     A vase of roses was sitting on the nightstand next to the bed. I smiled at the fact that my mates think roses are my favorite flower. Truth is, they aren't. But I never wanted to hurt their feelings.

     "What do you think?" Axel asked as he hopped onto the bed and made himself comfortable.

     "The bed is a little small," I teased.

     Everett growled, pulling me closer to the bed. "The less space between us, the better," He said in a sex laced voice.

     I stood on my tippy toes to give him a demanding kiss. I moaned before reaching my hand between us to palm him through his pants.

     Everett groaned before pulling away. "I'm sorry, baby girl. Not while you're pregnant."

     I widened my eyes before I screeched, "What?!" The curtains in the room flung open and the lightbulbs in the ceiling burst from the magic that was unintentionally being released from me.

     Atticus put his hand on my shoulder, halting the magic in the air and calming me down. "It's just so we don't hurt them. You have three babies inside of you, Roe. We just want to be safe."

     I scoffed, "So, what? You think you're going to like...pound them to death? You act as if your dicks are huge."

     Axel gave me a smirk. "Our dicks are huge, Princess."

     "They're average." Lies.

     "Keep lying to yourself," Atticus said with a cocky smirk. Assholes.

     "Quit being pricks and just tell her the real reason," Everett said with a grimace.

     I threw a glare at the guys. "What's going on?" I can't believe after everything, they're keeping something from me.

     Atticus glared at Everett before turning his softening gaze towards me. "Well, it seems as if your powers have become uncontrollable while pregnant. Your magic reacts when your emotions do." He signaled his hands towards the curtains and light bulbs that I destroyed.

     " think by giving me an orgasm, I'm going to blow this place up?" I said teasingly but by the look on the guy's faces, this was anything but a joke.

     "If we're lucky, yeah," The ever so helpful Axel said. "You think you can hold out for that long, Princess?" He asked with a cocky attitude.

     "Oh, I can wait for longer than that." Lies. "Besides, I'm sure you guys will be the first ones to crack anyways." Why the hell did I just say that?

     All three of my mates looked at each other before returning their gaze to me. "Alright. Is that a bet, Princess?" Axel teased, leaning forward on his elbows. Damn did he look good right now. His muscles were bulging out of his shirt. And don't get me started on the veins in his arms or his hands. Fucking hell, his hands!

     "Something wrong, Rose?" Atticus asked, although I'm sure he knew what I was thinking of right now.

     I gulped and nodded my head, tearing my gaze away from Axel's hands before I did something embarrassing.


     "Are you fucking serious right now?" I groaned. It's our first night together in the new house and I've been dying to try out the new bed...for sleep, of course. That all went to shit as soon as I came out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

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