Chapter 22

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     It's been a few days since I last spoke to my mother. Well, if you can even call her that. She hasn't made another appearance since she confessed everything to me and honestly, I don't know how to feel about all of it. I couldn't get the image of Jackson being decapitated by my own knife out of my head. The same knife he came to warn me about. He knew that they had it in their possession and unfortunately, it was confirmed in the most gruesome way.

     I wasn't even scared of dying at this point. Hell, I would welcome it. The only reason I have for living now is for six other people. My babies and my mates. I felt tears fill up my eyes as I tried to picture how good of dads my guys would be.

     Everett would be the fun dad who likes to give piggyback rides and run through the woods. Atticus would be the nurturing dad who would fix dinner for the kids and braid our daughter's hair. And Axel would be the tough dad but the one who would risk his life for our children. He would teach them how to play sports and how to drive a car.

     I couldn't contain the smile that spread across my face at the thought. I touched my belly, trying to feel if the babies were in there. Although supernaturals pregnancies aren't as long, it's only been a couple of months and I'm showing only slightly. I was just hoping and praying that I could escape before the babies are born. I want to be with my guys when I have them and not in this concrete box that I now call home. Oh, excuse me. Prison.

     I was shaken from my thoughts as the door to my room opened and Damon strolled in. I inwardly sighed. I luckily haven't seen him in a while and I was thankful for that. It was still hard to look at him and not feel hurt or betrayed.

     "How are you feeling?" Damon asked with a smile on his face as he brought my plate of food in.

     I glared openly at him. "Do you mean, how am I feeling knowing my mom is the reason that I'm trapped here?"

     He sighed, setting my plate down on the floor beside my cot. "I didn't know she was your mom. Not until you had escaped the first time."

     I shook my head. "So she's the one who told you to take advantage of me," I said, piecing all of the information together.

     He nodded his head while grimacing. "I am really sorry about everything. I know you don't deserve it," He said, looking at me with emotion in his eyes.

     I decided to play into that emotion. "Then let me out, Damon," I pleaded with him.

     He stood up abruptly. "I can't do that. You caused me to be on probation last time you escaped. And plus, why would I want to do that? So you can go off and live happily ever after with your mates?" He said, seething with anger.

     I wanted to say, "Duh, that was the plan" but I held my thoughts inside my head. "Well, what do you think will happen, Damon? They'll come for me eventually."

     "No, they won't. You don't realize it but we've been magically transported to a different location. Do you think we'd be that stupid to stay at the same place where you escaped last time? I know dreamscapes exist, Ruby." My eyes widened. Oh, no. I told Atticus where I was, but I guess I was never really there. They change the council headquarters to match different exteriors. No wonder the guys never came for me.

     "What's going to happen to me when they take my babies away?" I whispered.

     He gave me a sad look before smiling brightly. "Well, I made a deal with your mother that if I brought you back, then she would let you stay with me forever." I froze at his words. No. That might have been something that I wanted years ago but not anymore. I have mates out there.

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