Chapter 26

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Rose's POV

"Rose? Rose, baby, can you hear me?" Everett's voice broke through my hazy fog of thoughts. I groaned, feeling a headache form behind my eyes from the amount of light trying to shine through.

I had tried time and time again to open my eyes but as I heard my mate's voices, I forced with all my might to open them. I barely had them open before they shut again from the intensity of the light in the room.

"Turn the damn lights off," Axel said in his usual asshole tone, I could just imagine his signature scowl was in place.

I could tell the room was now darker since I was unable to see any light through my eyelids. I blinked my eyes open slowly, adjusting to my surroundings. I blinked away the blurry images as I struggled to remain conscious.

My vision finally came into focus and what was sitting in front of me, broke my heart into two. My mate's faces looked tired, worried, and scared, and it was all for me. I tried to speak but my voice was caught in my throat, which was drier than the desert.

Everett jumped up, bringing me a glass of water as he brought it to my lips carefully. I greedily drank the water which resulted in me choking a little. You would have thought I had just been shot by the way my guys jumped up, trying to help me.

I raised my hand up weakly, showing them that I was fine. "How do you feel, Princess?" Axel asked, his usual scowl was replaced with a small frown.

"I don't know," I replied with a small, scratchy voice. I looked down towards the wires stuck in my arms before trying to pull them out.

"Woah, woah, woah. Calm down, these are just here to help you, Roe," Atticus said in a calming voice. I didn't see it that way though. Looking down at the wires made me feel like I was back at the council headquarters, being experimented on. I didn't like it one bit.

I tried again to pull them out, as my anxiety spiked and grew higher. I felt trapped even though, reasonably, I knew I wasn't, but you can't tell that to someone who was about to have a panic attack.

"Baby girl, we got you. You're safe, nothing bad is going to happen. This is for you and the babies," Everett said, placing his hand gently on my stomach.

That gave me pause as I let his words sink in. My babies. I looked down to where his hand laid on my round belly. I blinked back tears as I placed my hand on top of his. "Are they okay?" I whispered, dreading the answer.

Axel looked between the guys before his gaze landed on me. "We think so, but it's hard to tell. We're just afraid your magic may have affected them. The nurses want to keep you here until we know for sure."

The guys must have noticed my panicked looked as they were quick to reassure me. "I'm sure they're perfectly healthy, baby. It's just a precaution," Everett said as his hand rubbed soothing circles on my belly.


2 Weeks Later

"Fucking finally! I'm free!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I fell to my knees in the soft grass outside. Considering I was the size of a six-month pregnant woman, I'm pretty sure I looked like a boiled egg falling to the ground.

"You're always one for the dramatics, Princess," Axel said, rolling his eyes but smiling.

"Let's hurry up and get you home, baby girl," Everett said, grabbing my hand and helping me to my feet. I'd like to say I could have done it myself, but I'm pretty sure that I would have looked like a baby taking its first steps.

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