R&N 10. Epilogue.

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So okay this song for the dance scene 😁

6 years later....

Narmeen sat infront of the vanity doing her makeup. It's been six years. Six beautiful years filled with smiles, laughter, tears and most importantly the giggles of their children.

Narmeen and Rameez had three identical boys. Yazan, Hashir and Ehteshaam. The boys looked equally like their parents. They took after Narmeen's tanned skin, brown hair. While Ehteshaam and Yazan had blue eyes like their father, Hashir had brown eyes like his mother. They were taller than the kids their age another genetic trait of the shah's.

Four years after the triplets the couple was awarded with a daughter named Parishe. She is apple of everyone's eyes. Her cute chubby smiles has everyone on their knees infront of her. She has blue eyes and brown hair with her father's fair skin.

She was Rameez's princess. He always gazed at her as if she was his everything. Her brothers were the same apart from their time to time fights and teasing sessions the three brothers would stand infront of her tiny self like a walk before any harm reaches her.

The kids were dropped off at the Haveli. Why? Because the parents were to celebrate their six year anniversary today. It's been a long time since they did anything special for themselves and seeing themselves grow distant Rameez took it upon himself to make it a beautiful day for her. So he locked her in the room of their house that he bought as their family grew.

It was sort of like a mansion but smaller than their family mansion. Just the right size for them.

He left her a present inside. The box was beautiful but what laid inside was more than beautiful. It was a black saree with a golden sequined blouse. The blouse was sleeveless with a turtle neck collar. The borders of the saree were also sequined. Narmeen left her hair open in loose curls, she applied light makeup but bold red lipstick making her look like the epitome of beauty.

Wearing the golden kundan studs Rameez gifted her on her on their second anniversary.

Narmeen got ready quickly and texted Rameez that she was ready. After a while she heard the door being unlocked. Walking up to the door Narmeen opened it and walked into the dimly lit hallway. The hallway was decorated with border of million, trillions of rose petals with scented candles placed on them making the hallway look like an aisle.

A smile swept across her face reading the little letter that was under a fully bloomed red rose. Picking it up and followed the line of roses that were placed on th railing.

Taking slow steps towards where the arrows made out of roses instructed. Following the roses she was led upto the stairs of the rooftop. Taking slow calm steps up, she reached the door that was closed.

Opening it slowly she entered inside. Her hand went to cover her mouth as a gasp escaped her lips. The rooftop was decorated with fairy lights framed the surroundings covering all four sides of the house top. The temporary shade of that covered the rooftop had fairy lights hanging from it.

There was a table placed in the middle. Her eyes swept around her. The soft glow of the fairy lights had her eyes twinkling even more.

Her eyebrows furrowed not finding the man who did all this. She went near expecting another note of some sort but her body stilled feeling a presence behind her. His familiar cologne took over her senses as she took in a deep breath inhaling it in.

"Won't you turn around" his deep voice filled her ears as his breath fanned her neck. Narmeen shivered internally and slowly turned around to meet his mesmerizing blue eyes.

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