S&A 7.

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Chapter 2 of my new book 'Orphic' is updated go check it out if haven't already😀

"Afeerah!!" Someone barged in her office startling her. She wasn't expecting any patients during this time neither any sort of loud noise as she enjoyed her quite time reading through some patients reports.

The file shut close upon her jumping in fright. Afeerah glared at her friend. Vashma sat infront of her desk occupying one of the seats.

"What?" She scoffed after recovering from the miniature heart attack her fellow doctor has given her.

"Guess who's joined our hospital?!" Vashma exclaimed like a child making Afeerah roll her eyes. She went back to reading her file.

"Who?" She asked calmly studying the reports. The patient needed surgery but his unstable condition was not suitable for surgery.

"Dr. Burhan sheikh" vashma gushed over the new doctor who joined their hospital. She went on and on about how handsome he is and how he looks like a model straight out of a magazine.

Afeerah's eyes stilled and so did her heart. Momentarily she heard those whispers which taunted her for falling for a man like. She shut her eyes close feeling the buried nightmares come back alive.

"Umhmm" she hummed not being able to comprehend as to how she should react. She knows for sure she doesn't feels for him. Her heart only beats for Shahzar and the thought itself brought a shy smile on her face.

"We all are going to th nearby cafe for coffee with the new doctor would you join us?" Vashma asked but without thinking Afeerah declined.

"Um... Vashma. Yaar I have to go through these reports I don't really have time. Maybe next time" she said with a small smile on her face. Vashma's smile faltered but she nodded reluctantly. She left from there and Afeerah at once called Ashar in her room.

"Everything ok?" He asked barging in the room like a drama king he was.

"Did you know Burhan was joining our hospital?" She asked in a serious voice. The change of expressions on Ashar's face told her he knew very well. His face morphed into hate and disgust but also guilt.

"Why didn't you tell?" She asked calmly joining her hands on the table.

"I didn't want to you even think about that man afee. You have Shahzar Bhai no need to corrupt your mind by even thinking he's around. This may not make but just don't let him get between you and Shahzar Bhai" he said placing his hand on hers. She nodded in affirmation. She doesn't know if he's the same man he was before but whatever he is now she must maintain distance and even warn Shahzar about him.

They discussed the reports and shared their thoughts on it since they both were handling the case. Burhan was an ignored topic as she busied herself in her work. After long tiring hours she was going towards the parking lot when a voice stopped her. She turned around coming face to face with him. Burhan sheikh. The man she had fallen for. The man for whom a night with girls meant everything rather than her heart.

"Afeerah?" He said unsure. Why would he be sure she meant nothing to him.

"Yes?" she raised an eyebrow curiously.

"You remember me right? I'm Burhan. Your Burhan" he said desperately taking her hands in his. She knew who he was, she ignored his your Burhan statement and took her hands out of his. A frown etched her face as she looked around to see if Shahzar was here or not.

"Yes I remember your Minha's cousin if I'm not mistaken" she smiled politely. Burhan frowned hearing her statement.

"I.. uh.. yeah. I didn't know you worked here but then vashma mentioned you and Ashar so I had to meet you" he said scratching the back of his neck.

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