Chapter 16- coffee

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Pisces' POV
We decided to wake up at 5am, because, you know, that's incredibly normal.
And someone was screaming bloody murder. Probably Mini watching horror movies again.
Me, V, Leo, Can and Ari were having breakfast.
"What are we gonna do today?" Leo asked, yawning.
"Something," Capricorn appeared magically and started buttering toast.
"Jesus Christ Cap! Are you a magician or something?" Leo grabbed his heart dramatically.
"I've been practicing my lurking, no one notices, and it'll look great on my CV for the police," he answered.
"Yeah... you'll either be a great police officer or a master criminal," Virgo muttered.
"HOLY CRAP," cancer shrieked.
Aquarius looked around at us impressively. "Good morning Aqua. No there are no brownies," V drained her coffee.
"Virgo. Why can't I have coffee?" I chirped.
"You know why," she answered.
"I wanna know why I can't have it either!" Leo said.
Cancer smiled over her tea. Capricorn finished his toast. Aquarius blinked.
"Wait- I can't have it either. Why?" She asked.
"You know why," Capricorn said.
"No I don't!" She crossed her arms, pouting.
"Well if it makes you feel any better, Gem and Sagi aren't allowed it either," Aries said.
"Why?" Leo asked again. Virgo shot him an exasperated look.
"I personally think coffee is very bitter and not nice," Cancer said, sipping tea quietly.
"Thank you cancer," Virgo said.
I looked at the coffee machine on the counter. I have a great plan.
After breakfast, I decided to summon Leo and Aqua to wake up Gem and Sag with me.
"SAGIIII!!" I shrieked as Leo pulled him off the bed. Taurus shot up immediately and Sagi glared at us.
"Food is downstairs Taur," Aqua said. The boy nodded slowly and lumbered downstairs. Gem appeared at the door. "What in the name of Satan is going on here?" She whined, rubbing her eyes and hugging a teddy bear.
"We're going to have coffee!" Aqua grinned manically. Gem perked up at this.
"Wait- seriously?" Sag stood up, pushing Leo off of him. We nodded.
"How are we going to get past Virgo?" Leo asked.
"You distract her. Tell her you want to go on a date with her or something, because we know you want to, whilst aqua distracts Lib, Ari, Taur and Scorp by being in the gym, Sag, you distract Cancer by getting a splinter or something, gem, challenge Cap and Mini to a video game challenge thingy, whilst I make five cups of coffee with the machine for us all to try. Who's with me?" I asked.
"Yes! I'll go fall down the stairs!" Sag said.
"Okay. Let's go!" I yelled.
Aqua went to drag Libra down to the gym, I knew Ari and Scorp were already there and Taur would be there shortly, Gem went downstairs to drag Cap to her sister's room to play video games, Leo nervously went to find Virgo and Sag... literally fell down the stairs. I'm being serious.
"CANCER HELPPP!" He shrieked. I heard another shriek as I slowly descended down the stairs. Sag was curled up at the bottom, arm bent at a weird angle with cancer leaning over him. "Okay, lets get you to the sofa. You've broken your arm," She said.
I said get a splinter.
But I guess a broken arm works too?

No one's POV
Aqua looked at her victims who were all lined up in front of her. "So," she said.
"So...?" Taurus looked at her, confused.
"We're going to go outside and play football. I am refereeing, Lib, you're with Taur and Ari, you're with Scorp. Now go!" Aquarius shouted.
"Yes ma'am!" They saluted.

"Imma beat you guys at a video game tournament!" Gem grinned manically.
"Uh no you're not. Imma win!" Cap said.
"Um no. Imma win!" Mini argued back.
"Let the games begin!" Gem shrieked.

"It hurts,"
"Calm down. You'll be fine. What did you trip on to make you fall?" Cancer asked as she wrapped Sagittarius' arm with bandages.
"Pisces' swimming goggles," Sagittarius lied.
"I told her to stop leaving them around. Honestly," She sighed.

"What is it Leo? Do you want coffee? The answer is no," Virgo looked at the blonde who had dragged her into the laundry room.
He fidgeted. "It's not about the coffee..." he mumbled.
"Oh? What is it then?" Virgo raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms, obviously intrigued.
Leo gulped.

A/N- hey! Who should be the next pairing to be made canon? Please comment!

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