Chapter 14

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Morning came as the birds chirped. Y/n opens her eyes, John was still there. His eyes look so peaceful. "Morning sleepy head." Y/n giggled as she placed her hand on John's cheek. Its crazy that the man she admired from a far is now sharing a bed with her. Dreams to come true. They ate some instant noodles and took a shower.

Y/n helped John replace his bandages. Of course he had to be shirtless. Y/n couldn't stop blushing and looking at his chiseled body. "Why am I so nervous?? He is basically my boyfriend now right?? I mean we kissed and we slept on the same bed...ahhhh why am i blushing!!" Y/n thought. "Y/n? Are you okay? You shouldn't be awkward around me anymore you know?" John chuckled. When she touched his abdomen it was rock hard. "Omg omg omg I'mactuallydoingit AAAA" y/n screamed in her head.

After that whole ordeal. John checked his laptop. Y/n's name is trending on twitter right now. Anonymous made a petition for the investigation of the officers. It has garnered a quarter million signs in a day. They emailed john saying that they will be investigating the death of Richard Brown, one of the protesters that committed suicide by jumping out of a window in his apartment. Footage showed a man came into his apartment right before he jumped. He did ask for help and became a witness to his suicide. They suspect him of pushing Richard out because there is no proof he didn't. Richard's apartment has no cctv so there is no definite proof.

Reading about anonymous' findings is great. More people are rallying against the police department. Y/n is glad at the speed which anonymous works at. "Your friends are really good at this huh? I mean they exposed literal governments, I shouldn't be surprised."

Shawn and his crew was recently discharged from the hospital. There is a growing uprising that is threatening them. The only relief they have is the fraction of people who don't believe in y/n's story. Shawn is still worried about anonymous taping into their footage. As soon as they arrived to their office they wiped clean of the footage of them beating y/n. They made sure it is off limits to anonymous. They can make assumptions but if the clip of y/n being beaten gets out, their reputation will be over.

"We have to do a background check on this girl. Seems like "Antelope" is hiding her from us. Check the records and also contact at&t, we'll have to ping his number." Shawn said. "*chuckles* we shouldn't have underestimated that man, i never expected him to be that strong. Maybe he is an antifa super soldier. We'll have to inform the higher ups if thats the case. Oh the experiments they'll conduct on him it'll be glorious."

He cureld his eyebrows as he glared at y/n  mugshot. "Make sure this one gets underground." He said with a sickening smile. "Contact news outlets, make sure they debunk her story. She has no proof backing her claims, she will look like a liberal propagandists.

Many posts on social media sided with the cops because they don't believe in y/n.

"They burnt the police department! This is terrorism!"

"Jail her! She is violating the law! I bet she broke windows during her protest...disgraceful.."

"She is clearing lying to as an excuse to BOMB and INJURE our officers. Don't be foolish liberals."

Platforms became a war zone. Plenty people believed in y/n because it is well known how often these protesters disappear. Although the petition is gaining traction, the accusations was still pretty baseless so john, y/n and anonymous must try harder to get the proof.

Y/n looks at all the comments. "I can't believe these people don't believe me. I almost died!" Y/n yelled.
She sat on the bed and sighed. "I wish I can do more. But if i do anymore, I'll die...arghh"

John turns on the tv and the first news they came across is about y/n's case. They were labeling it as a hoax, because it was clear those who have passed or gone missing had no connection with them being detained. Especially about Richards case, the man is coming to check on Richard because he has a mental illness, but failed to prevent him from taking his own life. Another example being Clara Bethany. She overdosed on opioids and there are scans that shown proof.

"47 from 60 of those that where jailed and accused died. 13 weren't accused but they are protesters. Thats no Some might not be because of the police but they just ruled it out as a suicide and didn't bother to look into them." John said as he glared at the tv. "We should tell anon to post a retaliation"
Y/n agreed.

It looked like the news outlets are trying their hardest to protect these officers. Y/n was slightly disheartened, but she didn't put her life on the line for this. Her fire ignites. "Shawn can't keep running away with this" y/n thought.

Y/n decided to make her own twitter to answer questions and defend herself. Her first tweet is "Why would I lie about getting beat up? You think I'd inflict this pain on myself?". Anon retweeted to make it get more traction. People flooded her page. People were giving her support and love. Of course there were many skeptics about her story. She popularized the hashtag #arrestshawncharlotte. It blew up.

"Charlotte, you can't lie and hide anymore. I'm going to make sure you will pay for what you did to those people."

"For those of you who are worried about my safety don't worry. I'm safe right now and in hiding."

Shawn notices this, he is fazed by it. He became really paranoid but he tries to hide it. He opened the case files on the computer and tampered with the information. "I'm not going down"


(Sorry for the shirt chap im not feeing too good lately sksksk here you goo)

Masked vigilante (Spec ops guy x reader ) FLUFFWhere stories live. Discover now