Chapter 27 - Kit

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"Great Goddess," Joshua breathed next to me.

I easily shared the same sentiment as my mate as we continued to stand in shock. 


I looked over at Aaron walking over to us. "Is this...?" He asked, trying to be discreet about his question.

I nodded my head. "Yeah," I verbally confirmed, swallowing a lump in my throat. "That's him. And that means the group about to enter our borders was the one chasing him."

"Alright. Alpha James is heading off to send them away. We should bring the kitsune with us back to the packhouse," he said.

He sounded so cool with what was going on, but I could tell by the slight tremble in his hands that he was just as shocked as we were. This was more than just a confirmation of my ability, this was something completely out of the ordinary.

Usually, other species kept to themselves. Even shifters - including werewolves like us - preferred to be around our own kind. We, of course, knew of the other species out there that hid from humans - there were countless more - but we never saw them around. Yet there was a kitsune, and a very young one given the number of tails he had, right here in pack territory. 

Kitsunes were solitary and elusive creatures. Some people considered them a part of the shifter community, but others liked to lump them in with demigods and whatnot. Their humanoid form always showed off their ears and tails unless they used magic to hide them, whereas shifters had a completely human-like appearance and an animal form. Also, shifters weren't usually magical - I've come to learn that not all of them aren't - but kitsunes always were. 

Despite the many questions floating through my head, I inched closer to the circle, wanting to meet this person. The warriors eyed me warily, but Aaron nodded at them and they eased up, splitting apart to allow me into their little circle. Upon closer inspection of the kitsune, I realized that he was trembling very violently. He was also very thin and most definitely malnourished. I almost worried his bones would snap from the tremors going through his small frame. 

Slowly, I knelt, keeping my distance at first, and waited for him to look up at me. "Hello?" I asked softly, trying to be gentle.

His trembling intensified for a brief moment before I quickly added, "I won't hurt you. You're safe."

At my words, he paused, and his head peeked up from his arms. My breath caught when I saw wide eyes with the most beautiful shade of red I had ever seen. He looked almost angelic. I carefully scooted closer, offering a reassuring smile when he flinched. "It's okay. I promise you're safe here."

The sound of growls nearby alerted me to how close the people chasing him were. At least I knew those growls were from the pack warriors and not from the group; they sounded like a warning. "Hey, you were running away from those people, right? We can help you."

At my words, he frowned. "Help?" He asked, and I noticed how gentle his voice sounded.

"Yeah, help. We can protect you from them. Do you need help?"

He quickly nodded, his red eyes wide with fear. My heart broke for him. From the way that woman had treated him in my vision, I figured whatever had happened to him had been horrible to bear. I reached out, and he flinched again, but I merely offered my hand palm-up for him to accept. "Let us help you."

He reached out and carefully took my hand, his small body still tense and slightly trembling. I smiled again, closing my hand around his to give it a gentle squeeze. I stood up, helping him to stand as well. He wobbled on his legs and collapsed, but a warrior rushed in to help me support the kitsune. I wished we could give him clothes, but that'd have to wait until we were safely inside the packhouse. 

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