Chapter 1 Glad to be a brunette

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Lizzie's Point of View:

"Did you hear me?" I rudely grumbled at the inconsiderate fool sitting in front of me. "I said: DID YOU HEAR ME!" I yelled right in his ear. I didn't care if he went deaf because of it. I just wanted that jerk to lift his fat foot off my pen.

"I think it's flattering that you're trying to get my attention, but I'm sorry sweetheart, I don't date brunettes." He winked and turned back around. Boy did I feel bad for the blondes he dated! I'm sure glad that I'm not one of his blonde toys.

How stupid was this guy!

"Id rather die then date you." Honestly, I don't get how every girl in the school loved this nincompoop. "All I want is for you to move your foot off my pen so I can pick it up."

"No-can-do sweetheart."

"Why not?" I asked shocked by his rudeness.

"Because you didn't say the magic word." I gulped up a big breath of air and let it all out because I was overwhelmed. "Please."

OH MY GOSH!!!!! I couldn't wait to get up and bolt out of Ms. Jackson's classroom. I was almost free from his torture. "Shut up." This was infuriating! I'd just have to get my pen after he moves his foot.

He was tall. So talk in fact that I could barely see over his head. He was taller then six feet by only a few inches. I was 5'3 1/2 and I was 5'5 with heals. If only I wore heals! But I didn't wear them often enough. His hair was the same sandy brown color as mine but his eyes were bright green while mine were a dark brown. He wasn't bad looking... On the outside. But I knew how he acted and what kind of a guy he truly was. While stupid blondes thought he was the sexiest man on earth, I thought he was just another scumbag man whore that walked our school halls.

Ring, ring, ring, ri-. The sound of the bell slowly trailed off and everyone stood up and made a break for the door. Except for me. I would wait (maybe not so patiently) for him to remove his foot from my pen. The jerk that was sitting in front of me stood up and I heard a sudden snap! He walked away from his desk and joined one of his many girlfriends out in the hallway.

I looked down in the bottom of the floor and I noticed my pen had been split up into little pieces and the ink had exploded all of the tile floor. UGH! I cried to myself. Why are people so unbelievable!

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