Chapter 18 Sexy but confused

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James' point of view:

"Ok I'm confused." I said to Elizabeth. She was cuddled up on the opposite side of the couch. I thought she was to far away from me.

"What is it now?" Elizabeth said in her sexy complainy voice. She grabbed the remote and paused the episode of Once Upon A Time.

"Ok so Captain Hook is kind of like the good guy and Peter Pan is the bad guy? And Neil is really alive and with Mulan?"

"Exactly." Elizabeth said as she unpaused the tv.

I was watching her hand and waiting for her to dip it back into the popcorn bowl and 'accidentally' touch her soft skin. Then opportunity knocked on my door! I put my hand right on top of hers and her head spun to face mine. Our eyes locked.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." She started to smile and then she pulled her hand away because she was embarrassed that she started blushing.

"I like it when you smile."

"You're just trying to get me to sleep with you." She playfully said.

"How did you know!" I sarcastically replied.

"Oh James," she slightly giggled. "I could see right through you!"

I half smiled but I was then lost in my mind. I realized that I did want her. But she wasn't ready. I was just lucky that she had excepted me as her friend.

Before I knew it, the episode had ended and Elizabeth had gotten up to go make another bowl of popcorn so I went into her kitchen and joined her. She popped in another bag of instant popcorn and set the microwave for three minutes.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom and clean up my nail polish in the other room. I'll be right back." Elizabeth said. She then left the room and just as the microwave's timer went off, she entered back into the kitchen. She then pulled out the freshly popped bag of popcorn and quickly dropped it down on the counter. "Damn!" She spat.

"What's wrong?"

"That damn bag is hot." She said rubbing her slightly burnt hand.

"Well duh dummy!" I laughed. "You just took it out of the microwave, what did you expect?" We both laughed at her stupidity and then when the bag cooled down, she opened it and poured it into the popcorn bowl.

"Damn!" She recursed.

"What did you do now?" I joined her at the kitchen counter and I looked down at the bag of popcorn she just attempted to make.

"Not even half the kernels are popped!" She whined sadly. "It was good the first time what's the difference now?" Elizabeth asked.

"The first time I made the batch of popcorn. This one you screwed up by yourself." I answered laughing. She took the bowl and threw out what it was containing. "What else do you want to eat?"

"I don't know you pick something." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm more thirsty then hungry." Elizabeth walked over to the fridge and brought out a brand new and unopened 2 L. pop can. She opened it up and then disaster struck.

The jug fizzed causing the pop to explode all over her kitchen floor. We both started laughing. "Where are you paper towels?" I asked her.

"In the top cabinet." Elizabeth informed me. "I'm to short to reach it so can you get them down for me so I can clean this crap up?"

I started the very short journey to the cabinet when I slipped on the pop that Elizabeth recently spilled. I was just laying down on the floor while Elizabeth stood above me laughing her head off.

"Jerk, help me up!" I cried.

"Ok ok." She said. "Don't get your panties in a twist!" Elizabeth stretched out her hand so I could take it and pull myself up but instead I took it and pulled her to the ground with me so she could feel all of the pain I had felt.

We were both laughing so hard until we both realized what position we were in. I had pulled her right on top of me and I was comfortably laying underneath her. She wasn't heavy. She was perfect. She intensely gazed into my green eyes as I did the same to her beautiful brown ones. We laid there for a few moments until I broke the silence by saying: "You're so beautiful Elizabeth." I put my strong arms around her and connecting my hands when I reached her back. She didn't dare move to get up. "You're so gorgeous."

"Come on James, don't lie to me." She said sternly. She then got up off of me and I stood up also.

"I'm not." I said pulling her close and placing my hands on her sexy waist like I've done before. "I'm telling you the truth." I then pulled her in closer and bent my head down.

We were so close and I couldn't wait any longer to kiss her. I couldn't stand not having her lips on mine. They belonged right on top of my lips. "James,"

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Don't kiss me." She requested. My heart broke into a million pieces and it took all of my strength to draw myself away from her.

"Ok," I upsettingly said. "I'll be here for you when you're ready."

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