Chapter 6 More blood

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James' point of view:

"I don't see her anywhere!" I yelled over the music. I had checked every room and I wasn't sure when she was.

"Some people just walked in! Now go a sexy blonde is checking me out!" Justin shooed me away and I went towards the door.

"ELIZABETH!" I yelled over the music. The loudness was consuming me. I had come here about thirty minutes early and I had been drinking ever since. I tried to read the clock. It was either 7:26pm or 90:1368. I thought the first option was a little more believable.

I looked all over the main room and I spotted Cameron making out whit his girlfriend. I walked over to them. Maybe he spotted her here. I had to find her.

"Cameron!" I yelled and he stopped sucking off that pour girls lips to give me his attention. And then something unbelievable happened to me.

I got a big fat slap across my face! My cheeks burned and I could feel it buzzing. The girl Cameron was kissing had slapped me. Cameron was drunk and couldn't stop laughing about what had just happened to me. "YOU!" She slapped me again. Wow what's up with girls these days?!?!?!

"What the hell was that for?" I asked her. She was around six inches shorter then me and was wearing a purple dress. She was about a 4 on my scale of one to ten. But on Cameron's scale she was a 9.

"The first one was for breaking up my make up session and the second one was for hurting my friend!" She screamed back at me.

"Who's your friend?" I was so confused. I didn't hurt anyo-... Unless she's talking about Elizabeth!

"Oh don't play dumb you dummy!" She looked really irritated with me. "ELIZABETH!"

Her name echoed in my ears. I fell in a daze. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I know I had to find her. "Where is she! I have to find her!"

"She's here bitch but you don't deserve her! Go away and leave her alone!" This girl was protecting Elizabeth from me. I wasn't gonna hurt her. I just had to explain what had happened.

"Please. I need to apologize to her. I didn't know anyone was going to take that picture and that put her in a state of fear!" The music was still to loud. "Please help me!"

"She's in the kitchen with Dylan."

I ran into the kitchen only to find her with Dylan at the bar. He pulled his seat closer to hers and she looked surprised that he did that. The next thing he did was rub his hand up and down her leg. By the look on his face I could tell he was getting turned on. I couldn't stand by and watch him take advantage of her.

I walked over to her and said, "Fancy seeing you here." The only thing that I heard was her sigh filled with disgust. Great. I hurt her so much that she wont even talk to me.

"Back of dude," Dylan stood up. "I was here first." he pushed me back a bit.

"You can't tell me what to do." I replied. I could smell a fight was about to go up between me and him.

"Oh yeah!" He balled his fists. "You better run away pretty boy or else you face won't be so pretty anymore." There was a look of shock on Elizabeth's face. She looked scared that someone would get hurt. The music was quieter in the kitchen but it was still loud and hard for me to make out something's that Dylan said. A small group of people gathered around us because they could tell what was about to happen.

"Alright!" I yelled back. "Let's dance!"

I threw the first punch and I hit his left cheek. Then Dylan tried to hit me but I ducked and he missed. He threw one more and missed me. Then I punch him once more in the same spot. More and more people came around us. Elizabeth looked like she was dying. I had to end this. I was to busy paying attention to her and I got hit in the nose.

I fell backwards and my head hurt so much! Nobody came over to me to help me up. They all just whispered and watched. Dylan shot his fist in the air like he had just won a million dollars. Then he went over to Elizabeth because she was still sitting in the bar seat and he kissed her.

His hands traveled up and down her body. He was all over her. He then started licking her neck and she tried to wiggle free but that just made him tighten his grip. He was to strong for her. She kicked him and she tried to break free. I could tell she hates him.

Dylan then moved to the bottom of her dress. He moved her underwear to the side and he played with her pussy. I could see his hand moving under her dress. He then took his other hand and put it down the top of her dress. He was squeezing her breasts and flicking her nipple. She was in so much pain. I felt this weird kind of burning sensation starting to flow through my blood. I was mad. No I was pissed! I couldn't take the sight of him hurting her. I knew that horny look that was plastered on Dylan's face and he was about to carry her upstairs to get a bed. There was no way I was gonna let that son of a bitch hurt her!

It took all of the strength I had in me but I weakly stood up and walked over to them. I taped Dylan's shoulder and he turned around to see who had just interrupted him. Then I slugged him just like he did to me. He fell back but he wasn't bleeding like I was.

Elizabeth looked relieved that I had saved her. Then she noticed my nose. She got up and went to me. She gently touched my nose. "Ow" I winced at the pain, not at the fact she was touching me.

"Come on. Your bleeding." She took my hand and dragged me towards the bathroom. Unfortunately, it was occupied. So, she lead me into a bedroom.

I jokingly said: "Isn't this taking our relationship to the next step?" I laughed and she threw me a dirty look. "I'm kidding."
We then walked into a bathroom that was conveniently placed in the bedroom.

When she shut the door I could barely hear the music anymore. I liked that.

"Your bleeding pretty badly James." She gently touched my nose but this time I didn't pull away. I let her touch me.

I then pulled myself up onto the countertop and said, "We've gotta stop meeting each other like this." I smiled... She smiled.

For one quick second, my world didn't seem like it was falling apart. I actually felt happy. I felt happy because I was with her.

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