Chapter 17 Untamable feelings

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Lizzie's point of view:

Before I knew it, he was at my front door and I was panicking because I didn't feel pretty enough to let him see me. Finally, I sucked it up and opened the door for James to enter. "Why thank you." James said as he shook my hand firmly. I couldn't help but smile. "I was right!" He yelled.

"About what?" I was so confused. What could he possibly be correct about?

"I told you that you'd look good in sweats and a T-shirt and now I can honestly say, Elizabeth, I've never seen such a beautiful sight." I playfully shoved his arm and he just smiled.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked him as we walked over to the couch.

"Well I was thinking I should go with a blue-green pattern, but now I just might want to go all purple." He had a serious look on his face and I didn't know how to react. He was telling me what color he wanted his nails to be!

"Do you know how gay you sound?" I laughed so hard I felt like I was going to pee myself. And that would be sooooo attractive.

"What color are you gonna pick?"

"I'm going to chose red." I casually said as I picked up my Midnight Red color that I had placed on the coffee table.

"I thought only sluts painted third nails red?" James curiously question me.

I hit him on the shoulder and said: "so when did I become a slut?"

"When you invited me over to your house." A big smile crawled on his face. "And when you invite a guy into your house then your going to have sex. So you probably do this all the time." He sarcastically stated.

"Men!" I cried up to the heavens. "The only word they know is sex!" This made James laugh and he almost knocked over my opened bottle of nail polish.

"I think I'm still drunk from two nights ago!" James playfully cried. He flung his head back on my couch and just looked at me.

"What?" I curiously commented. "What are you looking at?"


"Are you thinking about 20 ways to screw me right now or did you do that on your way over?" I laughed and he only smiled. "Are you ok?" I felt considered for James. He usually laughed at my sexual jokes. But something wasn't right.

"It's nothing." He convinced me.

"Ok freak." I said and started to paint my toes.

"Why do girls paint their toes?" James questioned.

"Why do guys get their ears pierced?" I said back.

"I don't know. I think that's weird though." He laughed. "What would you do if I pierced my ear?" James asked me.

"I'd rip it out so then you wouldn't have it anymore." I giggled.

"You are a piece of work Elizabeth." He smiled at me. Then it happened. Our eyes clicked like they did before.

All of my power left me and I felt the urge to kiss him. But I couldn't. I shouldn't. So I wouldn't! I tried to convince myself but it didn't really work. His beautiful green eyes were taking me over. Ugh! I had to keep control of this untamable feeling for him.

"Your gorgeous Elizabeth." James gazed back at me. He didn't dare look away. I didn't want him to.

"James," I quietly said.


"I think you're still drunk from Friday."

He laughed at that but his eyes remained on mine. It's like they were locked in that position. I couldn't help but smile back.

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