Chapter 16 Once upon a time

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Lizzie's point of view:

"You look awful!" I commented.

"Thanks." James grumbled over our face time call. "What else happened two nights ago that I don't remember?"

"You gave me your number and told me if I didn't text or call you then chop off my fingers and keep them as a special memory. And there was something else that I'm forgetting." I took a pause to make it seem more dramatic but it just ended up sounding cliché. "Oh yeah, now I remember! You declared your love for me in front of everyone."

I waited for him to yell and get really mad but instead he calmly said, "Yep that sounds like something drunk James would do." He chuckled at his own lame joke.

"So did you mean what you said?" I suspiciously questioned.

"I don't have to answer that Elizabeth." He playfully answered.

"You're an ass." I said with a big smile on my face.

"And you love it!" He chirped.

"Let's not jump to conclusions now!" That made both of us laugh.

"So Miss Elizabeth, what are you planning on doing today besides talking to your sexy friend James?" He said referring to hisself in the third person. I have to admit it was cute when he did that.

"Well, I was going to stay home and paint my nails while watching Once Upon a Time and eating popcorn." I simply said.

"Would you be willing to paint my nails?" We laughed at that strange and creepy thought.

"I wouldn't paint your nails but I'd like some company while I paint my own nails." A smile found it's way on my face and I bent my head down because I was embarrassed to show I was flattered.

"Well I'd love to join you at your lovely house." James said winking at me. "When should I join you?"

"Can you be here in about 30 minutes?" I asked trying not to sound to desperate. "It'll give me time to make popcorn and set up my nail polish selection."

"Ok Elizabeth. I'll see you in 30 minutes." James paused and then said, "And I remember where you live so I won't be needing the directions!" He laughed in a creepy stalker laugh which made my nose crinkle at the sound of it.

"You're so weird." I said.

"Whatever!" He shot back. "See you soon!" He gleefully chirped before I ended our video chat.

I couldn't believe it! I was kind of, almost going on a date with James!

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