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Your P.O.V.~

Once you made it to the front of the school, Wyatt let you slide off of his back. Then He reached for your small hand holding it in his large one. Leading you into the school as everyone watched you guys. Wyatt pulled you over to yu locker letting go of your hand so that you could get your stuff out of your locker. As you pulled out a couple on notebooks, folders, and a binder Wyatt played with one of your white hairs.

When you finished you slammed your locker shut, turning to your fake boyfriend. With a smile on your face. 

"Where are your books?" You asked laughing.

"I'm not here for educational reasons." He said laughing.

"Then what are you here for?" You asked putting your hand in his, leading him to your first class.

"Well, one to take care of my girlfriend," Wyatt said winking at you making you blush a deep red. "And two to find the Great Alpha," Wyatt said making your ears prick up. 

"What's that?" You asked looking up at him.

"I'll explain later." He said kissing me on the cheek, making my whole face turn red.

"If you say so." You sighed as you stopped in front of your math class. "This is my stop." 

"Alrighty then. I'll see you later." Wyatt said kissing you on the cheek. "Babe." He said winking at you as he walked away.

You knew that this fake, and that he was doing this as a favor for you. But you couldn't help but wish it that this was real. You blushed lightly as you followed Wyatt with your eyes. He was really cute. You'd never admit it to his face, but you might have developed a small crush on him. It had only been one day since Wyatt decided to help you with the fake dating thinking. And you were already developing feelings.

In every movie, and television show you'd ever watched before, the couple that fake dated always ended up falling for each other. This wasn't going to end well. And for some reason, you actually wanted to fall for him. You wanted him to tell you that he liked you. For real.

You snapped out of your thoughts when someone tapped your shoulder. You looked over your shoulder, to see Bree smiling at you.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Bree said smiling. 

"Hey, Bree!" You said smilign, as you walked into the classroom with her.

"I saw you with Wyatt are you guys dating?" She asked as the two of you took a seat at the back of the classroom.

"Um, yeah." You said awkwardly smilign with a blush on your face.

"Since when!?" She asked grinning from ear to ear.

"Yesterday." You whispered smilign as you thought about you and Wyatt together in the forest. But your smile quickly fell as you remembered why you had been in the forest in the first place.

"Cute!" Bree said squeezing your hand happily.

You and Bree fell silent as more students began flooding into the classroom. Just as the teacher shut the door, a girl pushed it open. You watched as the alpha of the Werewolves walked into the room. Willa. Wyatt's older sister. She was certainly beautiful but also cruel and vicious looking. As she entered the classroom she growled at the teacher and other students. 

As she sat down beside you, you could sense that she wanted to say something to you. So you sat there avoiding her gaze looking in the other direction. But then she sat up, alarming the whole class as she slammed her hands onto your desk, making you jump as you turned to look up at her.

"I don't know what kind of spell you put on my brother pom pom, but if you so much as hurt him, you'd better believe that you'll be taking your last breath," Willa said growling at the end eyes turning amber for an extra scare.

"O-o-okay." You whispered shaking in your seat as you felt the whole class staring at you.

"And if anyone in this room thinks to tell Wyatt you'll be dead too," Willa said turning around the room viciously, fangs out.

Everyone in the classroom, nodded their heads rapidly, as Willa stomped out of the room dangerously. Oh, what had you just gotten yourself into?

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