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Your P.O.V.~

"You gotta stop the demolition, Dad. I know how hard you worked to get this job. But if it's gonna hurt the werewolves, you have to stop it." Zed said stepping to the front of the crowd as you watched him intently.

"You're right." Zed's dad Zevon said lookign at the crowd. "You're all right." He than turned to his crew. "Shut it down. Stop the detonation." He said as the wolves were released from their handcuffs. "Tomorrow, when it's safe, we'll find what you're looking for. But right now, you can all go home."

"Yes!" You screamed running over to WYatt who hqad his arms opened wide.

He'd been made at you for only 20 minutes but it had felt like an eternity. I mean you nd Wyatt had got along so well that it broke your heart in two when he was mad at you. And hopefully that would never happen again.

"I missed you." He said kissing the top of your head.

"I missed you too." You said smilign as you squeezed him tighter. 

You let go of him taking his hand as every one headed outside, so that the crew could turn off the detonation completely. You grinned up at Wyatt prouldy it finally seemed like things were coming together. You and your friends had saved the moonstone, and your boyfriend was no longer mad at you. YOu watched Zed and Addison walk off to talk privately so you asmiled happy that your sister and her boyfriend were back to talking casually until a moment later while you were talking to WIlla you heard Addison blow up at Zed

"I thought I lost it! I questioned myself!" Addison yelled somewhat loudly.

"Addison, I'm sorry. I was afraid that if you turned into a wolf, I'd lose you." Zed said honestly, making you somewhat feel bad for him.

"You don't get to make that choice for me!" Addison yelled back making Zed somewhat recoil.

"But a werewolf?" Zed said disgustedly.

"Ouch." Wyatt whispered in your war making you giggle despite the circumstances.

"I finally find where I belong, and you try to steal that from me? Why would I ever go to the Prawn with you after what you did?" Addisn asked furiously making Zed frown guilityl.

Addiosn turned around motion for you to approach her. So you did and as she held up the necklace wrapping it around her neck. She then turned to you hands held up like she was about to claw at you. Addison however looked the same as always. Normal. Normal human Addiosn.

"Am I?" Addisn asked turngin towards you with a grin.

"You're beautiful, Addie, but the same beautiful that you've always been." You said kindly squeezing her hand.

"Oh." Addison whispered seeming disappointed. 

"She's not a werewolf." Willa sid to the pack who stood beside her.

"So it must be you!" Addison said excitedly handing you the necklace, you knew that she was hiding her disappointment under her excitement but I didn't want to point that out.

You took the necklace into your shaking hands nervously pulling it over your head, fixing it under your hair. As you looking down at the small moonstone in the necklace you knew what ha happened. Yu were not a werewolf. You were just plain old human (Y/N).

You turned towards your friends who all shook their heads sympathetically before turning your head towards the werewolves. They all shook there heads as you glumly took of the necklace heading over to Willa, handing it to her sadly. You really thought that you might have finally found your place. But it seemed like you and your sister would forever be outcasts.

"I guess we're just humans." You whisperedturngin to your sister who nodded glumly squeezing your hand.

"You know, (Y/N), I really dpn't mind dating a human." Wyatt said wrapping his arms around your waist.

And in front od all of your friends Wyatt kissed you passionately. Your eyes fluttered shut asyou wrapped your arms around his neck kissing him back. The wolf pack began to howl, as you  kissed Wyatt back passionately you friends clapping beside yu. 

"The remote shorted out, and now the detonation timer's running."

You and Wyatt jumped apart just in time to see Seabrook Power explode. It's funny how at one moemtn you could be kissing your soulmate while at the next you watch his whole world crumble to the ground. ANd just like that you knew that the werewolves were doomed, and there was nothing anyone could do to save them.

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