Bonus Chapter

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Her laughter was echoing off the walls, which made her run faster as I was trying to catch up to her.

She needed a new shirt but she thought it would he funny to run around shirtless as I was trying to find a shirt for her to wear.

"Can't get me!" She yells as she ran down the stairs. I tried catching her but she was so much faster.

Morgan is four years old and she's getting too big for her pants sometimes.

She's a little smart mouth and a little mess maker.

Takes after- I don't even know.

Tory told me she was a little sneaky when she was little, so maybe she gets that from her.

What she gets from me is probably her humor. She likes to make jokes even though she's only four, she has jokes and we always laugh at her.

Running down the stairs, I stop when I didn't see her anywhere. I knew she was hiding from me, so I had to play her games as I had the shirt in my hands.

The only places for her to hide is the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen or living room.

She knows better than to leave the house. We have it chained high enough for her to not walk out, so there's no worry there.

Looking around, I had to pretend that I didn't know what she went. That way I knew she believed me and she would start giggling, then I can find her.

It's happened before.

"Morgan?" I hummed out as I walk around the apartment. "Where are you?"

I look in the bedroom and bathroom, but didn't see her. I knew she was a good hider so I had to think like a four year old.

Just when I was walking in the living room, I heard giggling. I also heard Piper as she had found Morgan, which I knew was coming from the kitchen.

Walking in there quietly, I walked around the counter and quickly yell. "Found you!"

She starts screaming which makes Piper start barking. I couldn't help but laugh when she started running away but I quickly grabbed her before she could get away.

"Got you!"

She started kicking then looks at me. "No fair!" She groans.

I chuckle as I place her on the couch and start tickling her. She was laughing and I couldn't help but smile as I quickly placed the shirt on her.

"Why are you such a little booger?"

"I'm not a booger!" She laughs.

I smile as I watch her sit up. She moves closer to me before wrapped her small arms around me, giving me a hug.

I wrap my arms around her before kissing her head. "I love you."

"I love you mama." She looks up at me. "Where's mommy?"

Moving the hair from her face, I smile at her. "She's at work."

"When she gonna be home?"

I look at the clock on the wall and saw that it was a little after three. "She'll be home soon." I smile at her.

"Otay." She kicks her legs. "I want juice mama."

Smiling, I pat her head before standing up and walking to the kitchen. I grab the juice from the fridge that was for her specifically then walked back to the couch and handed it to her.

"Tank you mama!" She grins then opens her juice before taking a sip.

Looking at her, I was honestly so happy. I thought having a baby was gonna be stressful and hard but it has been fun and amazing.

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