Chapter 8 - The escape

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As the night became darker Chitrangda gently tiptoed towards the door. She pulled it open and peered cautiously outside. A flight of stairs descended to a landing then turned and disappeared. She felt much stronger today even though the stairs were quite steep, surely she could gain the lower level. There was no handrail fastened to the old stones.

She thought "never mind I will be very careful ".

One by one she stepped down the stairs until she had achieved the first landing. At that point, she had no choice but to sit and rest. The large steps had proved exhausting to descend with no handheld.

Cold rough stones wore her bare feet raw. Just as she stood up to attempt the next flight. She heard the sound of footsteps coming up from the lower flights towards her.

For some reason she did not fully understand, she turned almost in a panic and started to back up. She must not be found out of the bed-chamber. She did not want him to know...he might...might what?

She made three steps before her knee began to shake, her knee buckled. Her hands clutched frantically at the stone walls as her nails skittered against the wall for support. Afraid she might break her neck, she shirked, went over backwards, and landed in the sturdy arms of Shiv. For a minute she trembled with relief. But then she turned and struck at him.

He was ready for her and caught her wrists pinning them behind her, then he locked his muscular arms from behind and lifted her off her feet. Her heels kicking against him made little impression on him. Fortunately, she was a tiny thing compared to his frame.

He leaned away and said "Chitrangda!! "She continued to squirm and beat her hands against his back.

He said, "damm it-girl will you be still for a moment! one misstep and we are both dead".

She stopped squirming. He climbed up the stairs, ignoring her softness against his arm. He could not afford the distraction of that sort now... not ever.

He carried her to her room. All Chitra could think of was the subtle masculine scent. The power in his arms and the way her heart was hammering away.

He placed her on the bed and said "Sometimes you suffer from an excess of courage. It's not good for your health. What exactly were you trying to do ?"

Chitra lied "I just want to look around. I was getting bored."

Shivaditya looked at her "In the dead of the night? "

She just looked down.

He said "I can understand your desire for new surroundings. Tomorrow I will aid you in getting down, you may sit in the study or any room you want. You are not my prisoner you are my guest. But please don't attempt it alone again. If I had not come in time..."

He had a pained look in his eyes.

Chitrangda looked up startled she felt guilty of considering escape.

He asked, "Are you scared of me Princess ?"

She blushed. What could she tell him that she was scared of her attraction for him?

She said "Not always but sometimes. I dont even know you. Being kidnapped is not a fun thing... I want to go home."

Shiv smiled "You will go home soon just give me some time"

"Is this place a castle?"

He said, "Its more of a fortified hunting lodge, castles are much bigger."

She asked, "how did you come upon it?"

He said, "Well we attacked it killed the owner, and occupied it."

Chitra looked horrified. He laughed.

"Believe it or not I came upon it honestly."

Chitra said, "I didn't mean to insult you".

He laughed "but haven't we agreed that I am a rough bandit who carries away fair maidens. What honesty did you expect ?"

"I.....I am sorry..." She managed to say.

"Look princess you are safe under my protection. If you leave this fort. The area around is full of outlaws who will not be as kind as me. You know what I mean ?"

She nodded fearfully.

"Good! Then don't ever think of leaving on your own. I won't be there to recuse you always."

He rose and left the room.

She had tried to run away from him. A dart went through Shivaditya's heart.

Why the hell she had done that?

She did not need to escape had he not promised to send her home in due course of time? Another small twinge tugged him somewhere a bit of anguish he refused to acknowledge. What was he expecting? that she would fall in love with him? She was engaged and probably already in love with Vikram. She was his enemy's woman.

Lucky bas***d! He cursed at Vikram then looked morosely at the burning lamp.

Chitra bundled herself under the blankets trying to fall asleep. Though sleep was miles away. She could not stop thinking about mysterious Shiv.

Her heart was racing and she had a strangely warm feeling in her body.

She recalled Poonam's word and sat up horrified !!

"I can't fall for an outlaw" she shuddered.

Even if he was so kind and seductive. When he would take her home she would never see him again. Never again enjoy his wit, never gaze on his strong body. Tears gathered in her eyes.

She wiped them away. Where was her good sense? how could she surrender her heart to him? He had no right to bring her here. She resolved to stay aloof from him but deep in her heart, she had a question.

Would she be able to do that? could she deny her feelings and desire...??? If yes then for how long?

Raja Kirtiveer was looking at the piece of parchment which was delivered that morning. He had expected a ransom note but instead, it was a letter from Chitrangda explained that she was safe! Another letter explained that she would be returned in due course of time. It advised him to keep her whereabouts secret to save their reputation. Kirtiveer was perplexed about what to make of it.

Queen Kalavati was having a fit.

She said "What if that man. Oh no !! what if he has already. Who will marry my daughter now??!!" she wailed.

Kirtiveer snapped "At least pray that she comes back alive. We will worry about other things later. All our attempts to find her have gone to waste. Just keep up this charade of Chitrangda being in Malwa until we get some concrete information".

To be Continued.....

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