Chapter 26 - The wedding night

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"Prepare for the wedding night?" Chitra squeaked.

"Yes, my lady. The prince would arrive in some time to join you." The handmaidens giggled again.

Chitra rolled her eyes.

"What kind of preparations?" She asked exasperated.

"Change, and dress you up into something more comfortable and attractive." One of the handmaidens said blushing.

Chitradgada blushed, explaining to the girls, that there would be no need for it, she would see to her dressing. The girls looked terrified at her refusal, citing that they would be punished if they did not perform their duties.

Pitying the poor girls, Chitra consented to the humiliating ordeal, allowing the girls to dress and beautify her. Though she was already dressed and beautified for the feast. They removed her heavy jewellery and saari much to Chitra's relief.

An hour later she was dressed in another red voluminous skirt, a tiny cropped blouse which left her midriff bare, and a beautiful sheer muslin scarf with elaborate gemstones work was wrapped around her falling off one shoulder. Her heavy jewellery was replaced by a lighter but equally beautiful piece of gemstone ornaments.

Her long hair was tied up elegantly in an elaborate hairstyle, which accentuated her long neck. She stared at herself in the mirror, she looked beautiful.

Sometime later the door opened yet again, this time revealing prince Shivaditya, clean-shaven and impeccably dressed. The handmaidens slipped out. He entered the room, closing the door behind. His eyes seeking out his Princes. She was standing near the window, she looked at him, her eyes watching him warily as he approached her.

"You look beautiful, Princess," he said, his eyes sweeping over her.  His gaze was making her uncomfortable, she crossed her arms over her chest, the neckline of her dress far more revealing than anything she would normally wear. It accentuated every curve of her body, making it look as if a seamstress had poured the fabric over her. Her scarf was so sheer that it barely covered anything.

"Well, I said you look beautiful," he repeated standing next to her.

"I heard you," she snapped.

"So? Aren't you going to say something? Wife?" He said with a slight smile.

"What do you want me to say or do?" Her eyes were enlivened by rage and she was shaking fitfully. Her breathing was ragged as she stared at him.

He stepped further, backing her up against the wall.

"I was expecting my bride to be a bit more.....enthusiastic." The heat of his voice poured out like lava, enveloping her in his lust. He drew his finger up to run down the side of her face, down her neck, running over the top of the fabric at her breasts. "How about we start from where we left off. When we  rudely interrupted in the tent."

Despite the thudding of her heart, she mustered her courage to fight him back. Looking up into his darkening eyes, she challenged.

"Not until you give me my answers?"

His smile faltered a little.

"It is our wedding night Chitra, do you want to spoil it because of trivial details?"

She rolled her eyes and stepped around him, trying to put distance between their overheated bodies.

"Trivial? You have been constantly lying to me, hiding your past, and you want me to jump into the bed with you?"

Shiv sighed loudly.

"I am tired of discussing this topic. Come, let us move on to more pleasant things." He ran his hand through the bare waist, grabbing her and pulling her close.

She glared at him and wriggled out.

"Never! I will never come to you. Don't ever lay a hand on me again." She screamed at him.

He was standing toe-to-toe with her, glowering down in growing frustration.

"Enough Chitra. Your duty is now to me and me alone." He grabbed her roughly, exhibiting his frightening power. His mouth crashed down upon hers, causing her to gasp in surprise. He wasted no time in plunging his tongue possessively into her mouth, stroking her tongue. She tried to wriggle away, but a handheld her head firmly in place. His lips moved against hers in bruising force, causing her to whimper at the show of unbridled authority.

Her hands moved to his chest, pushing back against him, even as her lips moved tentatively with his.

She was able to flick her head away. "Stop!" she screamed. She was able to wiggle her hands-free and began to push and hit at him.

At the increase of her whimpering, he pulled away violently and rasped, "You belong to me. You cannot continue to deny this any longer."

"I can and I do," she said, throwing his words back at him.

He was unaffected and simply took her hands in his own, backing her against the wall, immobilizing them above her head.

She closed her eyes expecting another onslaught. When nothing came forth she opened her eyes, He was smiling at her.

He looked as handsome as ever, lips felt as erotic as ever, igniting the delicious burn deep within her. She wanted him, she wanted him so badly. But she knew if she abandoned herself to his darkness, she would be forever lost.

He placed a gentle kiss on her cheeks suddenly, changing his stance. He brought down his left hand and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"That was for making me the happiest man on the whole of this planet my Darling by becoming my wife," he whispered, igniting her passion.

Her amber eyes met his dark ones and she asked icily. "Is that what you told your first wife as well? Mrignayani, on your wedding night with her?" Her eyes blazed with anger.

Her statement set him alight, his fury burning loudly. He left her immediately and said through gritted teeth.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Why not? Do you still miss her? Was she prettier than me?"  Chitra screamed at him, anger and jealousy running through her.

"Stop it Chitra!" He shouted. Stepping away from her he paced the room, his tall frame casting shadows on the floor, under the glowing oil lamp.

"So this is what you want? Fine! I won't bother you anymore."

He strode out of the room into his adjoining bedroom. She got up, ran to the door, and locked it.

Chitra collapsed on her bed, turned onto her stomach, her face buried in the pillow. She cried rivers, her whole body convulsing violently.

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