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Topanga was somehow hotter at night than it was during the day. I breathed in summer air, tinged with nostalgia as it was.

Another sleepless night.

I took a slow drag of the cigarette in my fingers. A bad habit I'd picked up after our stint in Spain.

The world slept on.


I didn't go to Martin.


How could I? I wouldn't be able to face him.


He'd never forgive me.


I know what you're thinking. She went to hide in the States? Despite the fact that they extradite?

Honestly though, this was the perfect place to be, and I knew that even though I'd been part of the largest heist in history, I wasn't even on the most wanted list in Spain, not like our Professor and Tokyo were, at least.

That suited me just fine. I was never one for popularity contests anyway.

I looked at the understated opulence that surrounded me, simple, but elegant.

It was more than enough.


I had wanted to attend his funeral. I knew Sergio did too, however, we both also knew of the risks this involved, and in the end, we both decided against it.

The moments between when I heard the words "Andrés de Fonollosa is down," and when his funeral was announced, are blank now. I remember bits and pieces, swirls of colors. I remember hearing screams.

Sergio eventually had to sedate me, with Nairobi's help, before we boarded the ship that would sail us to our newfound freedom.


Sergio had been angry to say the least, when I informed him of my plan to return to the United States. He'd ranted and raved, and I let him, instinctively understanding that he needed this.

He needed to let it all out.

Eventually, he realized that I wasn't going to be swayed by any of his arguments, so he'd let me go, not before, of course, asking me to tell him where I was planning on settling down.

I'd debated not telling him the truth then, but one look at that face, the face that shared such little resemblance with him, other than those darkly intelligent eyes, I gave in.


The days bled into months, and before I realized it, two years had come and gone.

I was getting better at sleeping through the night, the nightmares had all but disappeared.

And then I got the call.


"Marseille will go pick you up. Be safe. I'll see you soon."


Admittedly, the only reason I'd said yes was because of the fact that I'd grown bored with my life.

It had been fun for a time, but all the money in the world couldn't stop me from feeling as though I was living in a cage, a golden one perhaps, but a cage nonetheless.


Marseille's expression was hidden by his aviators, but when he opened his arms, I ran to hug him.

He'd been the best tutor any girl could hope to have, solemn, silent, understanding, kind, patient. Seeing him standing before me made me happier than I'd been in a long time.

"Let's get this show on the road yes?" He motioned over to the private jet sitting patiently in the hangar.

Picking up my bags, he led me to the inside.


Bogotá's face was an unexpected surprise. I looked over at Marseille, reproachfully, even as I launched myself at the bear of a man that stood before me.

He picked me up, as he so often had before, hugging me tightly to him before setting me down on the floor again.

"I'm glad you are here." He said, and I couldn't stop the whisper that left my lips then.

"Me too."


We arrived at the monastery late at night, and I swallowed heavily as I took in the imposing sight it made, the full moon following behind us and casting it in an ethereal glow.

Dracula's castle, I couldn't help but think.


I'd expected everyone to be asleep by the time we arrived, it was quite late, and Marseille asked if I wanted them to accompany me to my rooms, but I declined, knowing they too were tired and needed their sleep.

Besides, I knew my way around this place just fine.

I knew what creaky stairs to avoid, and which doors to open softly so as to not make any noise.

What I didn't know, was who would be waiting for me once I made it to the safety of my rooms.

"I was expecting you." He said, sitting on my bed with his hands crossed in his lap.

I closed the door behind me, unconsciously straightening my shoulders and staring straight at him.


So? What do you think?

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