Chapter 5

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                                                                 The Gall of Gammon

Disclaimer: This story is my humble attempt to write a fanfiction of the epic Mahabharata. My intention is not to hurt anyone's sentiment.

Aum Namah Shivay!!

Major Jayant Roy, SM is a fictitious character. Any similarity with any living person is merely a coincidence.

Chapter 5

Hastinapur, Dwapar Yuga

Jayant/ Duryodhana POV (Continues)

The people of Hastinapur were gathering beside the road after they got the news that Maharani Kunti and Pandavas returned to the city. They were shouting in unison,

"Maharani Kunti Ki Jay!! Pandu Putro Ki Jay!!" (All hail queen Kunti! All hail the sons of Pandu)

They were now sitting on a single chariot. Uncle Vidura was driving their chariot. The happy crowd was showering petals of flower on them. They were having a grand welcome. But that crowd ignored the hundred and two of us, just walking behind them. There were occasional chants of "Jai Mahamahim Bhishma!!"

Suddenly, I heard a voice inside my head, "Look at them! They just set their feet in this city, and the crowd is literally head over heels on them. They are born and raised up in the forest. They don't have a single drop of blood of Pandu in their body. What right they have on the throne?"

"Shut the f**k up!!" I shouted in my mind. What the bloody hell was that?

Suddenly, I remembered something.

The voice of Mahadev echoed in my mind...

"You will have traits of both you and Duryodhana."

Duryodhana's main two problems were his greed and jealousy. Now, the five Pandavas arrived in the city, these two things were activating. But, Jayant was a calm and cool person. Yes, I, Major Jayant Roy, SM, was a man with an ice-cool brain that helped me in many worst situations. I must fight that greed and jealousy.

But that did not mean that I would relinquish my claims on the throne. This HUMAN will compete with the demigods with all his might and power. The demigods would have every single God in their side...but this HUMAN would not retreat.

I looked at the people of Hastinapur. My first mission would be making place in their hearts. A king should win his subjects heart at first, before winning the throne.

After reaching the palace, I gave clear cut instructions to my brothers not to get into any scuffles with the Pandava's, by any chance. If possible, avoid them totally. Then I retired to my room. Guha came to me and tried to remove my shoes, but before he could do that, I removed my legs. This was happening from the last seven days. I don't like someone opening my shoes, and Guha was adamant. Every day, he tried it and failed.

I quickly removed my shoes and lie down on the bed. I closed my eyes, thinking about my next moves, when I heard a voice.

"My dear nephew, this is not the time of lying down. This is the time of awakening; otherwise, you would not have even this bed for your own."

The thin voice of mama Shakuni entered inside my brain. I opened my eyes and saw him in standing in front of my bed. I sat on my bed and faked a yawn.

"Mamashri, care to elaborate?" I asked in a fake sleepy voice.

"Today, those forest dwellers came into the palace, and the whole lot in the palace were literally fawning over them. They have only one goal, to take away your throne." Shakuni said in a hushed voice. He took a breath and said again,

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