Chapter 1: Drag Me Down.

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[ If I didn't have you, there would be nothing left ]


      "Emily!" I hear my name being called by my grandmother from the other side of my door. I groan quietly while pushing myself off of my bed, not wanting to remove myself from the comfort. I take my time tucking in the sheets, seeing that this will be the last time I'd be doing this for a while. 

      "Emmiillyy!" She calls again, this time singing it out making me chuckle. Cabinets open and close and the smell of bacon and potatoes poke in through the crack of my door. I grab my already prepared outfit and my towel, opening the door making it loudly squeak. The dining table sits in its usual place with cups, napkins, and utensils set out for breakfast. 

      I walk the small distance past the bar with Coke-Cola merchandise covering the shelves and past the living room to the doorway where there's a small step. The hallway going to Gramma and Grampa's room on my right, the bathroom straight ahead, and tiny kitchen where Gramma prepares home-made tortillas. The smell of beans and eggs making my mouth water. Grampa comes in through the back door and squeezes past Gramma and stops right in front of me. "How." He says raising his hand, our code of saying 'hello.' 

      I laugh lightly while raising my hand, "How." A reference to the movie, Peter Pan.

      I continue my way to the bathroom and close the door behind me. I leave my belongings on the toilet and turn on the water, my stomach growling as I do so. While the water warms up, I strip from my pajamas and get into the shower, letting the water relieve my tense muscles. 

      Today is the day that I leave Lordsburg.  Should I be happy or nervous? Because I'm both. I'm happy to be leaving. Lordsburg is barely known and has a population of 3,000 people. Why else would Gramma and Grampa want me to leave? After so much doubt and contemplation on whether I should go or not, it all came to the conclusion that I should.  Like they said, there's nothing for me here. There's no big photography agencies or any large companies of that matter. LA has both those things. There's huge agencies. There's large activities. There's people. I think I made the right choice. 

      The only bad thing to this is, I've never lived alone. I've always had the presence of my family with me to make me comfortable. I don't know anyone in LA, the only exception being the people at the agency I'll be working at. Nor, do I know any places there. I'll miss them and the delicious food that they make. I'll miss not having to be stuck in traffic. I'll miss the small festivals where the entire town shows up. It'll be hard to say goodbye.

      I finally grab a hold of the strawberry scented shampoo bottle, how long have I been in here? I finish washing my hair and shave the small scruff that has managed to appear in the past couple days. I wash my body and before I know it, I'm wrapping a towel around my body and collecting my final bathroom supplies. 

      After getting changed into a pair of leggings and a 'Metalica' t-shirt, I walk out of the bathroom, turning off the light behind me. I brush out my hair while going to my room to pack away my final things. The door opens and Tia Valerie and Allie walk in with worried expressions. "Oh, thank god." Tia sighs of relief. "We thought you had gone already." 

      I shake my head while still brushing my hair, "Not yet. After breakfast I leave." I sigh sadly, continuing my way to my bedroom. 

      I pack away the dirty clothes into a plastic bag and into my luggage along with my toiletries. I zip the luggage officially and slip on my black Nike's. I start braiding my hair, to keep it out of my face. "Mija, come eat." I hear Gramma call. I get out of my room while tying off my braid and sitting in my usual seat beside Grampa. I serve myself some orange juice and pour some homemade salsa on my eggs. 

      "What time are you getting there?" Tia asks taking a bite from her food. 

      "Um, at around 9, maybe. Not that late." I say with a shrug. 

      She nods, "What about your things?" 

      "The U-Haul truck is getting there tomorrow morning with my car." I say. 

      "Oh, that's not that bad. Do you know what time?" I shake my head while swallowing my beans. 

      "They said from 7 to 9, so around that time." 

      "Just make sure you're up by then. Remember, we're an hour ahead." Gramma adds.

      I nod, "I know, Gramma."

      Normally, New Mexico is an hour ahead of the timezone in California, but in the winter, the time-zones change to same time until spring. Which I always thought was really weird... But later I found out was because of Daylight Savings Time.

      After breakfast, I go back into my room and grab all of my things. I look around my room, making sure that I haven't forgotten anything that I will need. "Emily, we have to get going!" Grampa calls. I sigh and swing on my bag and hear Haley's collar.  I go into the living room, and see Haley jump onto the couch. Grampa carries out my luggage while I say bye to Haley. 

      "I think I'll miss you the most." I whisper while holding her in my arms. I leave a kiss on her head and put her down. 

      I go out and shut the door behind me while Gramma locks it. I take a last glance at the yard that I've had all of my best memories and walk to the Gramma's car. I get into the passenger seat next to Grampa while Gramma sits with Tia Valerie and Allie in the back. 

      After an hour of a sad silence, we've arrived to the bus station in Sliver City. I look out the window and see people file onto the bus. I let out a shaky breath before opening the car door and getting out. Grampa brings around my luggage while I swing on my bag, once again. I hug Grampa first. "Please feed Haley while I'm gone." I tell him, tears already beginning to sting. 

      "Oh, el cacaro?" I laugh at his common joke and feel him kiss the top of my head, his mustache tickling my forehead. 

      I hug Tia Valerie and Allie, who asks, "Where going?" Her lisp making me miss her already. 

      "I'm leaving, but I'll be back soon." 

      Allie pouts and sticks out her pinkie. "Pwomise?" I nod and lock my pinkie with hers. 

      "I promise."

      I hug Gramma last, who hugs me longest. "Promise me you'll call." She says. I nod, "Please be safe." I nod again and feel her kiss my cheek. 

      "Last call for Los Angeles!" I hear the bus driver call out. 

      I separate from Gramma and she notices the tear that falls. She wipes it away and smiles while containing her own. "I'm so proud of you. You'll be fine." She assures. I nod and she hugs me one last time. She motions for me to go, I let out a short breath and grab my luggage. I walk to the bus and climb the small stairs. 

      I hand the man my ticket and find an empty seat towards the back. I lift my luggage onto the compartment and sit down. I look out the window, seeing Gramma wipe away tears and Allie starting to cry. The bus driver begins to pull out of the car park, I wave one last time to my family and watch as their figures shrink. 

      Los Angeles, here we come. 


[ Drag Me Down - One Direction ]



I'm gonna just say it. This is the best shit I've ever written in my entire damn life. 

That's all. 

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All the love, C. xx

PERFECT | 𝘯. 𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘯 ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora