Chapter 32: What A Time.

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[You clinged to my body like you wanted it forever,
what a time, what a time, what a time]

      A week later, I'm officially 21 and still don't feel any different. Currently in Cleveland doing the show. I take photos from behind them on the stage.  Every day since my birthday, everyone asks me 'How does it feel to be 21?' and I have no answer. I feel the same. I feel no different than a week ago. Am I supposed to feel different? 

    "This next one, is a classic. This one, even our photographer knows it!" Liam says into his mic. I look up at him and shoot him a warning glance and I see him laugh. "This is Better Than Words." The crowd screams as the music starts to play. I take photos of Harry as he flips his hair and begins to sing. 

      "Better than words... More than a feeling. Crazy in love... Dancin' on a ceiling.

      All of the boys sing the chorus and I can tell that the fans are getting excited for Niall's solo. As Louis ends his solo, Niall runs his fingers through his hair and wets his lips. "Best I ever had... Hips don't lie... You make me wanna SSSSS one more night... Irreplaceable... Crazy... Crazy." The fans literally scream as Niall brings back the "iconic" Better Than Words dance move. I laugh at the reaction of the fans and see Niall turn around. He sees me laughing and sticks out his tongue. The reaction my stomach gets when Niall teases me or does anything is so weird. 

      My stomach does somersaults and the hairs on my arms stand up. My heart pounds against my chest and it's like when you're on a roller coaster and the biggest drop is about to happen. You can feel the adrenaline and it feels like your stomach is about to explode. Do some people normally make other people feel like that? 


      Later that night, we've gone to dinner with the entire crew. I'm sat in between Niall and Zayn. I sighed and rubbed my eye. I was so tired. I haven't talked to Gramma in a couple days and it's been stressing me out. "You tired?" I heard the familiar Irish voice ask. I only nod and grab my cup of lemonade. I take a sip and feel Niall's hand over mine. My heart beats quickly as I look down. "Sorry." Niall quietly apologizes removing his hand. I let out a breath as I feel my hand start to tingle at the loss of his touch. I hesitantly reach over and grab his hand from his lap. I intertwine our fingers and feel my heart beat 100 times faster. 

      His hands are soft and his hand gently held mine. His thumb rubbed circles on the back of my hand causing my stomach to do more somersaults. We keep our hands under the table and on my lap. We kept it normally and continued eating. 

      "We were planning on going out tonight." Harry says from across the table. 

      "Oh yeah?" I ask picking up some food on my fork. 

      Liam nods from beside him. "Yeah, we were wondering if you wanted to join." I shake my head and swallow the food. 

      "Nah, I'm okay." 

      "You sure?" Zayn asks. 

      I nod, "Yeah. I'm really tired, so I'm gonna try to catch up on some sleep." I say putting my fork down. 

      "Now what happened?" Louis asks. The boys have picked up on why I have sleeping problems and they notice when something is wrong. 

      "I just haven't called my Gramma. So, I'm going to try and call and her tonight. Hopefully she picks up." I respond casually. Gramma is fine. I know she is.


      "Emily! Come on!" I get up with a groan and get out of bed not bothering with anything. 

      The knocking comes again, "I'm coming, I'm coming!" I groan scratching my head. I unlock the door and the bright lights make me squint. When my eyes adjust, I see Liam and Zayn holding up Niall. 

      "What happened?" I ask grabbing Niall's face. His eyes are half closed and his breath reeked of beer. 

      "Niall partied a little too hard." Zayn sighs. 

      "And he kept bugging us to bring him to you." Liam says struggling to hold onto Niall. "Jesus." I put my hand on my forehead and open the door wider. 

      "Put him on the bed." I sigh. They walk in and lay him gently on the bed. I cross my arms and look at the clock beside my bed. 3:25 A.M. 

      "Thanks, Em." Zayn says as I walk them out. 

      "You're gonna need more than a thank you." I snort. Liam chuckles, "See you guys later." I wave. 

      "'Night." I shut the door and press my back to the door. What in the world was Niall celebrating? 

      "Ohhh, heyyy Emilayyyy!" Niall slurs as I start walking towards him. I began removing his shoes and sat him up. "I has tooooo much to drink." Niall groans placing a hand at his head. 

      I nodded, "I know, Ni." 

      "Annnnd I'm really really really sleepy." 

      "That's why you're going to go to sleep." I sigh putting his arm down. I help him remove his jacket and put it on the chair. 

      "Did you know, that, you're very pretty." Niall says looking up at me with a sleepy smile. I feel heat rush up to my cheeks and smile. 

      "Thank you. You're very handsome." I compliment back. 

      He places a hand at his heart. "Awe, thank youuu." I giggle and pull his arm. 

      "Get up so I can get the blanket." I say. He lazily obliges and stands next to me. I move the blanket and push him lightly on the bed. He falls back with a thud and lays on his side. 

      I grab the trash bin and put it on his side just in case and place his shoes next to mine. I grab an extra water bottle and sit next to him in bed. He places his head in my lap almost immediately. I move his head up slightly. "Open." He scrunches up his nose and shakes his head without opening his eyes. "You have to drink some water." I say slightly stroking his cheek. I feel him sigh in amusement and slightly sit up. I place the bottle at his lips and tilt it back. He swallows the water and lays back down to his original position. I close the water and place it on the nightstand. I shut off the light and Niall slightly moves so that I can lay down. 

      He wraps his arms around my waist and places his head on my chest. He held onto me like I was so fragile, it made the familiar butterflies appear in my stomach. I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and my other draped over his other. My hands started messing with the little hairs on the back of his neck. I hear Niall sigh again and relax against me. I felt comfortable. I felt safe. 

      I felt my heart stop beating when I heard the three words I thought I'd never hear him say.

      "I love you..."


[What A Time - Julia Michaels, Niall Horan]



Some #nemily content. :) 

They are just too cute. I swear my heart is bursting

I'm being over dramatic, I apologize.

But like I said... Some sad stuff is coming so make sure you have your tissues.

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All the love, C. xx

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