𝓠𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓩𝓸𝓷𝓮

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(2 Years Later)

I breathed heavily as I walked along the empty streets of Boston. I was dirty and felt disgusting but what's new. I was covered in blood of my own and from the infected that I encountered. "Hey! Stop right there!" Someone shouted and I froze. Somehow my breathing got heavier. Slowly looking up I found that I somehow made my way to a quarantine zone, well that's what the sign said on the gate. 

"Are you bit?" I shook my head. "NO." One of the men in a military uniform walked up to me. I watched his every move as he pressed a device against my neck. It made a noise and the guy waved his hand at the others. "Come on kid." He motioned me forward, to the gate. 

"Place your weapons in here." Another guy said as he set down a box in front of me. I looked up at the guy who brought me in here. He gave me a small nod and I followed mostly because they probably would have killed me if I didn't. 

"Okay, come with me." I followed the guy and he took me to a building and led me up to a room. "You'll stay here for now, there's food," He pointed to the kitchen area. "If you need anything, I'm sure you can ask anyone around here." I nodded and he left. I looked around the place to see a couch, table, the kitchen and other doors that probably led to the bedroom and a bathroom. 

I walked into the bedroom and sat my bag on the bed. Luckily they didn't check my bag because I had my mom's pistol in there along with a knife. I sighed and placed my bag in the closet and found a pair of pants, a shirt, and a hoodie. I grabbed the clothes and decided 'why not.' 

I walked to the bathroom and tried the shower. Thankfully it worked and water started pouring out of the shower head. I immediately took off the bloody clothes I had on and jumped right in.

After the shower I put on the clothes I found and despite them being a bit too big for me I still wore them. I hand washed the clothes I was wearing earlier and set them out to dry. While doing that there was a knock on the front door. I made my way over to it and opened it to be met with a lady that had medium length, brown hair. "You must be the newbie. You're a little younger then I thought you'd be."

She pushed her way inside and made herself comfortable on the couch. "Who are you?" I asked as I placed my hands in the pockets of the hoodie. "The names Tess. how did you get here?" 

"I don't know." I made my way into the kitchen and looked in the cabinets to find the cans of food. "Okay, better question, how'd you survive out there?" I grabbed a can of carrots and opened it. "How else is there to survive then to fight?" 

"Good point," I grabbed a spoon and wiped it off before eating the carrots. "Look, you're experienced, why not join me and a friend in some deals we have to make." This peaked my interest a bit. "Deals?" I asked with my mouth full. "We're smugglers and we get money and weapons, plus we aren't cooped up in here all the time. We get a little sense of freedom." 

I thought about it for a bit and began nodding. "I guess I could help, however, are you sure you want a kid helping you?" I raised an eyebrow and she cracked a smile. "I'm sure you've seen more then a kid should."

"Well," Tess stood up from the couch. "I'll see you in a few days kid." And she left. I continued to finish my carrots and then went to go to sleep. It had been hard to ever sleep outside knowing what could happen. Especially after what happened 2 years ago. And let's not forget the nightmares.

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