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"Jesus Christ. Marlene set us up?" Joel asked as he handed me the device. I looked at it and saw that it said Ellie was infected. "Shit." I said under my breath, letting my arm drop. "Why the hell are we smuggling an infected girl?" I said as we all look over to Ellie. "I'm not infected." She said shaking her head lightly. "No? So was this lying?!" I tossed the device at Ellie making her flinch a bit. "I can explain." 

"You better explain fast." Tess walked up to her a bit, making it known that she had a gun. "Look at this?" Ellie pulled up the sleeve on her right arm showing the bite. "I don't care how you got infected." Joel turned away a bit. "It's three week's old." "No. Everyone turns within two days. So you stop bullshitting."

I wiped my face with my hand and placed them on my hips. Is she really telling the truth? If so, how is that possible? "It's three weeks. I swear." I scoffed. "Why would she set you up?" Everyone was silent, thinking about what to do. 

"I ain't buying it." Joel turned and started walking away but stopped. "Oh, shit. Tess, (Y/n), run." We looked to where he was looking to find a car coming towards us. "RUN!" Tess acted quick. "Go. Go! Move!" She pushed Ellie forward and off the floor. We started running. We used things for cover as the guards found the dead bodies. 

~~~~~~I'm lazy~~~~~

Once we were to safety we stopped by a river for a bit to recover. "Alright. They're gone." Joel said as we all breathed heavily. "Look - what was the plan?" Tess asked kneeling down to Ellie, who sat on a rock. "Let's say that we deliver you to the Fireflies, what then?" 

Ellie let out a sigh. "Marlene... She said that they have their own little quarantine zone. With doctors there, still trying to find a cure." 

"Yeah. We've heard that before, huh, Tess?" Joel made his statement clear.

"And that..." Ellie let out a huff. "Whatever happened to me is the key to finding a vaccine." 

"Oh, Jesus." I rolled my eyes. "It's what she said."

"Oh, I'm sure she did." Joel and I were basically teaming up on Ellie and she clearly didn't like it. "Hey, fuck you, guys. I didn't ask for this." She stood up. "No one did." I glared at her. I don't know why, but I was letting all of my anger out on Ellie. Or at least a bit at a time.

"Tess, what the hell are we doing here?" "What if it's true?"

"I can't believe-" Joel backed up from Tess and turned around. "What if, Joel? I mean we've come this far, let's just finish it." Joel grabbed Tess' arm and dragged her away from Ellie and I. "Do I need to remind you what is out there?" I looked away from the two. I knew exactly what was out there. 

"I get it." Tess said as the sound of her footsteps walked away. Ellie's soon followed after. That just left Joel and I to follow. "This is fucking bullshit." I said as we all started walking to our destination. "This way. If we cut through downtown, we can hit the capital building by sunrise."

"We hope." 

We walked in the water and hopped over a car. Joel went on ahead, joining Tess, leaving Ellie to walk by me. I didn't spare her a single glance as we made our way through the rubble. 

"Holey moley. I guess this is what these buildings look like up close. They're so damn tall."

"So, what happened here?" 

"They bombed the hell out of the surrounding areas to the quarantine zones, hoping to kill as much of the infected as possible." 

Just when I thought I didn't have to hear anymore talking there was an infected scream. "Ahhh, what the hell was that?" Ellie asked. "Tess, do you hear that?" Joel asked ignoring Ellie. "Yeah. Sounded pretty far away though." "Shit." I mumbled. 

"Are we safe?" "For now. Come on." 

We got to a cliff and stopped. Ellie looked down into it. "Damn. That's quite a drop." She commented. "Maybe you should see how far it goes." Ellie was about to say something but Joel cut in. "Well, there's the capitol building."

"Yeah, we need to get around this mess." I didn't feel like staying around anymore then I had too and the quicker we got Ellie to the Capitol the better. So, I took matters into my own hands and went on my own. I walked into a building to find multiple bodies in different areas but no infected. That was until I came across a small group of infected. Some being clickers. 

I took them down one by one only using my knife to ensure that I didn't sound alarm to the other infected around the place. It was the safest thing I could do. Just when there was two left I got spotted by a runner which sounded the clicker. I panicked because I could only take down one at a time. The runner ran at me but the clicker was closer to me. 

I turned my attention to the runner and shot it with my pistol. I looked back to the clicker but Joel was already standing over it's body. He looked at me with rage. I was about to say something but he stopped me. "Don't. I don't want to hear it." Tess and Ellie came down and joined us. 

"You could have got yourself killed!" I looked away as I crossed my arms. "Don't look awa-" Joel was cut off by Tess, who came up to me, grabbed the collar of my hoodie and landed her hand across my cheek. "Don't run off ever again. You scared the shit out of me. What if you did get bit?! Knowing you, you'd never tell us..." She loosened her grip. "I can't- just don't do that again." 

She let go of me and turned to leave with Joel. Ellie didn't move an inch until I scoffed and walked after the two. We made our way down a few parts of the building that collapsed and ended up in a train station. There we found the body of a Firefly. We went a bit more into the station and came across some more infected. 

Joel took the lead in this one and killed them all. We climbed up a ladder and jumped down the other side, reaching the train tracks. "Holy shit, we actually made it." 

"Everyone okay?" Joel asked. "Yes. Let's move." 

We climbed up more rubble and got back on the streets. We took out more infected and moved a dumpster next to a truck and climbed on top to get to the other side.

While Joel was opening a garage we heard more infected make their way towards the sound. Joel worked faster and Tess rushed us under when it was open enough. I grabbed the door with Tess and Joel was able to get through. We dropped it and cut off one of the infected's arm. 

While we were safe Ellie told her story about how she got bit and what she did after that. But that came to an end when we had to keep moving. 

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