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"Come on kids, it's time to go." Henry said as he gathered his stuff. "Ellie." She looked over at my I pointed to Joel who was taking a nap in a chair. Ellie walked over to Joel and tapped him. "He says it's time to go." With a slight nod and a groan Joel stood from his seat and grabbed his stuff. I grabbed my hoodie and tried putting it back on. "Here," Ellie grabbed the hoodie from me. "let me help." I sighed and let her do what she wanted. 

Mostly because I really wanted my hoodie back on. "Now we're gonna be moving fast, okay? So no matter what, you stick to me like glue." Henry said as he talked to Sam. "There we go." Ellie said as she took a step back. I nodded slightly and grabbed my bag. "Alright, ya'll ready?" 


"Alright, ya'll stay close, okay?" Henry started leading us in the direction we needed to go. "You tried this before?" 

"Uh, yeah." Henry sounded as if he hadn't tried this out. "We're gonna die." I said as I rubbed the back of my head. "Relax."

"Just hope you know the way." 


"Alright, check it out." Joel said as he boosted Henry up onto the truck. "We're good. Sam, let's go." Henry said as outside the gate that tank was getting ready for something. "Alright kid, c'mon." Joel boosted him up as well with Henry's help and people started yelling on the other side of the gate. "Hurry, hurry!" Joel ushered Ellie on to the truck. The small ladder that they were using to get up broke on one side but Henry got to her before the ladder broke off completely. 

"(Y/n)." I gave a firm nod to Joel and looked up at the other. Henry kept walking back and forth as if he was contemplating on whether to run or not. "Okay, we gotta get 'em up." Ellie said knowing she couldn't pull me up by herself. "I'm sorry. We're leaving." "What? This is bullshit." 

"What the fuck, Henry?" I scoffed. "Of course." Gun shots started outside the gate as Ellie jumped back down to join us in dying. "Ellie, you dumbass!" I yelled. "We stick together." She responded. "Fuck." The tank started trying to get through as Joel looked around and ran to one of those garage doors. 

The tank got through right as Joel opened the door and urged us through. Ellie grabbed the chain and I helped Joel get through before she closed the door. "How the fuck do we get outta here?" I sent a glare her way as we made our way out, fighting a few of those guys on the way. She could have got over safely and followed Henry and Sam but no she had to go and basically be sent to her death. That Dumbass! How can she be so stupid? Does she not know she has to stay alive in order for a fucking cure to be made?

"Oh, fuck." Ellie said as we made it onto the bridge but it had collapsed in the middle and lead straight to a river flowing with water. "How many bullets do you have left?" Joel asked as he looked back at the tank trying to get through another barricade. "Their gonna kill us." 

"What other choice do we have?" Joel asked turning back to us. "We could jump." I said. "No, it's too high and she can't swim." I shook my head. "Of course she can't fucking swim!" 

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Ellie yelled at me. "If you had just followed Henry and Sam we wouldn't be having this problem right now!" I let out my anger on her, again. "Excuse me, but you got shot it's not like this would have change because if you haven't noticed, you're pretty fucking useless at the moment!-" 

"Ellie!" Joel yelled making her stop and realize what she was saying. "Alright, let's see how fast you learn." I said and turned to the river, jumping in. "(Y/n)!" I heard Joel yell as I crashed through the surface of the water. It wasn't extremely hard to stay at the surface but when something came into my lane, that made it difficult. I ended up crashing into it but nothing serious happened. If anything it helped me not move any further down the river.

"Joel, (Y/n), Ellie!" Henry yelled as he came up to the river from the other side of the bridge we were supposed to get to. Henry helped Joel, who passed out, and Ellie out of the water and Sam helped me out. I crawled onto the sand and plopped onto my back. "Ah, shit." I said as I felt my arm start to sting. After catching my breath I looked over at Joel as Henry checked on him. Henry looked at me and gave me a thumbs up letting me know he was going to be okay.

I sat up and started thinking about the things Ellie said. She was right. I was useless right now. But how was that my fault? However, she's immune to the virus. She should be thinking about her decisions and not letting her emotions get in the way.

"Hey," Great. "mind if I sit down?" I didn't get a chance to answer before she took it upon herself to take a seat. "I'm sorry about what I said back there." I didn't say anything. "I really am, I shouldn't have said you were-" 

"You're right." I cut her off and I could feel her shock. "I am useless. I can't even hold up a gun right now. I was stupid enough to get shot and now Joel's passed out." Ellie was silent for a bit, thinking about what to say. "You're not useless, you think of situations, sometimes, about how to get out of trouble, and you were right. If I had just followed Henry, Joel probably wouldn't have ended up passed out."

I looked at her. She had her knees to her chest and her arms wrapped around them as she looked down at the sand. I let out a sigh. "We were both wrong, and correct at the same time. Don't ask me how that works, just go with it." Ellie looked up at me. "Besides, things could have played out worse. We could be dead." I referenced the tank and she gave me a small smile. "I guess it could have." We looked back at the river that seemed so much more calmer than before. 

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