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I jumped back from the pieces of the building that fell. Joel fell down next to me. "Joel, (Y/n)!" Tess called out. "We're alive. We'll make our way around to you." Then there was the sound of the infected. "Oh... Look they're here!" 

"Tess?" I called out softly. "Run. Run! Shit." And just like that they were gone, running from the infected. "Fuck." I said getting up holding my side. The stab wound I had must have opened a bit. "Come on." Joel started making his way through the building and I followed. We found a few infected and took them down. We heard a few gun shots and immediately knew it was Tess.

We came across an infected banging on a door and Joel motioned for me to stay back. I did knowing that he could take care of it. He sneaked his way behind it and stuck a shiv into it, killing it. "Ellie, stay back!" Tess yelled. 

We rushed through the door and yelled. "Tess!" She was taking care of an infected that was on top of her. "I'm fine." Tess knew exactly what we were going to ask. 

"Guys, get in here!" Ellie called out. Without thinking twice I ran towards her voice forgetting about my side. I grabbed a piece of wood from the floor and smashed it into the infected's head, saving Ellie. More ended up coming into the room and we pulled out our guns. 


"That was too damn close." Joel said. The stinging pain started coming back. I put my hand on the area feeling more blood ooze it's way out. "Hey, you okay (Y/n)?" Tess came up to me noticing all the blood. "I'm fine, it's not a bite." She nodded and we started looking for a way out. 

"Oh, shit." Tess said as we came up to a window. "Tess, you holding up okay?" Joel asked as she placed her hands on her knees. "Just a bit winded." She answered as she stood back up. "This way. This'll get us to the roof." She climbed out the window. "How 'bout you, kid? You okay?" Joel asked Ellie. 

"Define okay." 

"Are you still breathing?" I looked around the room, in hopes of finding something. "Do small, panicked breaths count?" I found a bandage wrap on the ground, I picked it up, investigated it and decided that I can use it. "Yeah, they count." 

"Alright. Then I'm okay." I leaned on one of the display cases and lifted up my shirt and hoodie revealing the bloody mess. 

"Do you need any help?" Ellie asked walking up to me. I sighed and tossed the bandage wrap at her. She slowly undid the wrap a bit. I held my shirt and hoodie up for her as she did her job. "Thanks... for saving me back there."

"Don't think it was anything personal." I said earning a sigh from her. "I don't know why you're so mad at me but I hope one day we can be friends." She tied a knot and poked my side making me grunt. I glared at her and grabbed my stuff. "Don't count on it." I walked off and climbed out the window to join Joel and Tess. 

We made our way up the fire escape and got to the roof. From there we could see the capital. We walked across a plank, that Joel put up. "Well, is that everything you hoped for?" Joel asked Ellie as she looked in the direction of the building. "Jury's still out. But, man... you can't deny that view." 

"C'mon. This way." Tess made her way pass the two, continuing on our journey.


"No." Tess said as we made our way into the capital building. "No, no, no." She ran to one of the bodies of the Fireflies. "What happens now?" Ellie asked as Tess searched the body. Joel walked up to Tess. "What are you doing, Tess?" 

"Maybe they ah, maybe they had a map or something to tell us where they were going." 

"How far are we gonna take this?" "As far as it needs to go." Tess' voice broke a bit. "Where was this lab of theirs?" She asked Ellie. "Oh, she never said. She only mentioned that it was someplace out west."

"What are we doing here? This is not us." Tess got up from the floor. "What do you know about us? About (Y/n)? About me?" "I know that you are smarter than this."

"Really? Guess what, we're shitty people, Joel. It's been that way for a long time." Tess wasn't wrong but that didn't bother me at the moment. What bothered me was that Tess was acting different. "No, we are survivors!" "This is our chance-" 

"It is over, Tess!" Joel yelled out. "Now we tried. Let's just go home."

"I'm not... I'm not going anywhere." My brows furrowed. "This is my last stop." 


"Our luck had to run out sooner or later." Then it hit me. "What are you on about-" Joel went to grab her arm. "No don't-" She brushed him off. "Don't touch me."

"Holy shit." Ellie said catching onto the situation. "She's infected." Joel looked back at Tess and backed away a bit. "Joel..."

"Let me see it." 

"I didn't mean for this-" "Show it to me." Joel demanded and Tess pulled back her shirt showing the bite. "Oh. Christ."

"Oops, right?" Joel couldn't look at Tess and he started taking more steps away from her. I couldn't do anything but watch as Tess walked over to Ellie, grabbed her arm, and pulled up her sleeve. "This was three weeks. I was bitten an hour ago and it's already worse." She dragged Ellie over to Joel. "This is fucking real Joel." She let go of Ellie. "You and (Y/n) have got to get this girl to Tommy's. He used to run with this crew, he'll know where to go."

"No, no, no, that was your crusade. I am not doin' that." "Yes you are. Look, there's enough here that you have to feel some sort of obligation to me." Tess whispered to Joel. "So you get her to Tommy's." Then there was noise coming from outside. Tess rushed to the window and looked outside to see people. "Watch the exit!" One yelled. 

"They're here." Tess turned back to us and pulled out her gun. "Dammit." "I can buy you some time, but you have to run."

"What? You want us to just leave you here?" Ellie intervened. "Yes." 

"There is no way that-" "I will not turn into one of those things." I looked down at the floor. "Come on. Make this easy for me." "We can fight-" "No, just go!" Tess pushed Joel. "Just fucking go."

"Ellie, (Y/n)-" 

"I'm sorry. I didn't - I didn't mean for this." "Get a move on." I said as I grabbed Ellie's arm and we started walking away. 

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