𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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I decided to take a half-day from work and enjoy the rest of the day.

I drove around town for ten minutes, letting my mind return to normal before heading out for lunch. Once I was calm, I took my beautiful self to Buns and Batter. The place was quiet and peaceful, and I was going to enjoy every bit of it.

"Hello," a calm voice said behind me, where I was seated.

She was standing not too far from me, with a dimpled grin. I didn't know who she was, but the lady was beautiful in all manner of ways. From how her braids fell on her shoulders, to her slender curvy looking body. Zara, haven't you learned enough?

"I'll call you back," she said into her phone. She ended the call and stood smiling over at me. "I was supposed to meet you today, but I had a lot going on." The sound of her voice traveled straight to my core.

She was the epitome of beauty. She was standing there dressed in simple dark blue jeans and a tight white t-shirt, which made her melanin skin glow and made my heart flutter, just a tiny bit.

"Can I join you?" she asks, snapping me out of my daydream.

"Sure..." If only I could control how I was smiling because I was not sure if this lady was into women. I tried my best to hide my emotions, but it was not something I could do. No matter how hard I tried, people usually saw right through me and took advantage—case in point, Lolia.

"My name is Yasmin," she extended her hands, her eyes soft and warm.

"Zara. Zara Ebitemi," I replied, placing my hand in hers.

My arm felt like it had been shocked. The current running from her body to mine felt like I had held onto a live electrical wire. The sensation was intense that my fingers felt numb for a moment.

She pulled her hand away and took a seat. "So, you are my potential investor? Ms. Yasmin, no one seems to know what she looks like, except for those close to her."

A smile crept on her face. "Let's say that I love keeping myself to myself. And yes, I am your client."

"We got the deal?" I almost screamed out to the whole world. We got the deal, and the company was going to stay afloat—for now.

"I don't see why not. My assistant liked it, and I trust her judgment."

This was too good to be true. At a point, I felt that Lolia was going to be able to stop the deal from happening, but it seemed that the universe had other plans.

Yasmin cleared her throat, which drew my attention to her beautiful face. "So, do you always happen to look lost when you meet nice strangers for the first time?"

I let out a chuckle. "Who said you were nice?"

"Well, a lot of people do. But what do you think?"

"Let me think for a second. You are a businesswoman, so you tend to be nice to get what you want?"

She smiled and shook her head. "Is that a question or a statement?"

"Whichever one you think fits."

"Why are you afraid to say what it is you want and go for it?" She smirked, her voice causing butterflies to stir in my stomach.

What was she getting at? Was she hitting on me?

"Never mind. Let's have lunch, shall we," Yasmin announced, calling for the waiter.

We spent almost thirty minutes talking about my company and why she was interested in hiring us. She liked that Zartech was simple and wasn't always representing the big businesses but supporting small businesses.

While having lunch with her, I noticed her security guards asked other customers not to come our way. They were directed to the other side of the restaurant or out. Who was this woman?

"So tell me about yourself," she asked after a brief moment of silence.

Honestly, I was interested in discussing with her, but not one that had to do with how indecisive my love life was. "What about me, do you want to know?"

She finished chewing what she had left and put down her cutlery. "What's his name?"

"His name?"

"The man in your life," she replied.

"Let's just say he is no longer in my life." The whole conversation made me somewhat uncomfortable. I wasn't sure if Yasmin was asking because she was interested in me or asking so she can know who she is getting in business with—or getting in bed with her?

"Sorry to hear that. I bet you he is much more sorry than I am." Ms. Yasmin smiled from ear to ear, showing me that adorable dimple of hers. For the first time, I could get a strong whiff of her cologne. I could inhale it all day and be happy.

"Thanks a lot. I doubt that he is even sorry."

Suddenly her face changes into a serious gaze and locked on mine. It was so intense I couldn't look anywhere but her eyes. "Trust me, Zara. If he is not yet sorry, he will be soon. Any man would be a halfwit to let a kind and promising young lady go."

My eyes darted to her lips. Get a hold of yourself, Zara, I told myself. "Ms. Yasmin," I said in a whisper, unsure if I should tell her it was a she or not.

My mind was busy with thoughts of her lips touching mine, and all the ways I wanted her to feel my lips. I didn't know anything about her, but my body begged for her touch. Something about her stirred deep feelings within me, yet I couldn't figure out what it was.

I wanted to say more, but we were interrupted by her security guards.

"I have to go. My husband needs my attention."

Husband? Was I fantasizing about a married woman?

Guess what? This book has given me so much joy since you all started reading it

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Guess what? This book has given me so much joy since you all started reading it. With that in mind, it's going to be a series.
I'm planning another story for Bella or Lolia. Who do you want?

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