𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢-𝚘𝚗𝚎

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8 pm. It was time to leave the office, but I was not ready to go back to Nena's apartment—she was not always home. In fact, I didn't want to go back at all.

Work would not let me, even if I tried. I had been looking for a big shot client, and I found them. So all I needed now was to get things ready and meet up with their ridiculous deadline. Who plans an elaborate birthday bash in two weeks? I had no reason to stay any longer. But the noise coming from the conference room caught my attention. I walked towards the noise with heaviness in my eyes because of a lack of sleep. Thank you, Yasmin.

Smoothing my gown, I knocked quietly on the conference door, which was slightly open. "Who is that," the voice called out.

Shit. I knew who that was. Lolia. What in heaven's name was she doing in my office at this time of the night? I quickly pushed the door open and barged in. "Why are you in my office?"

I could see the embarrassment that flooded her face as she tried to hide her tears. Why did I even come here? You didn't want to go home, right? My mouth was open before the door even closed behind me, ready to tell her to get the hell out of my office, but my lips slammed shut immediately.

Her makeup was ruined because of her tear stricken face. She didn't even bother to hide the fact that she was crying. "I am sure I don't mind you being in here wailing, even if I do not understand why you chose my office to do so," I muttered and reached behind me for the doorknob. I felt somewhat guilty for not asking why she was crying, but that wasn't my problem. She was a tough girl.

I took a long deep breath and turned back to face her, tears still pouring down her face.

"Ok, what is the problem? Are you ok? Did somebody die?"

She sniffled and said to me, "What do you mean did somebody die? Can't I cry for no reason?"

I sighed at my stupidity for being so kind. "Can you at least carry the tears out of my office? My office is not a burial ground, please."

"I am sorry."

Those words came as a shock to me. I never in my life expected for Lolia to apologize, because it looked like she was out to destroy my life. "Thank you. That's not what I..." I said but didn't finish. My mind was still processing what was going on. Was this an ambush?

She motioned for me to sit down and said to me, "I just wanted to say I am sorry for all the pain I must have caused in your life. I didn't want to accept the fact that you rejected me, Yasmin, too. It's like everything that I want I can't have. What I think I have, I don't. My life is so worthless."

It amazed me. The words that came out of her mouth were surreal, but I wouldn't lie about how happy I was. For once, she felt the pain I felt when she hurt—even if the events were not the same. "I am thrilled to hear this, but I have to go now." I said as politely as possible.

"My parents have disowned because Yasmin's ex-husband told them about our affair and asked them to warn me to stay away."

Slowly, I turned back to her, and a sharp pain pierced through me because of what she just spilled to me. It hurt to see that not only my parents were against the LGBTQ community, but hers too—even as educated as they were. "I am so sorry." My words were sincere, and I hoped she could feel it. "If there is anything I can do," I offered, but I couldn't imagine how I would actually be of help.

"It's not your fault Zara, no reason to be sorry. Stop being so kind after all that I have done to you. Don't you get upset or want revenge?"

Oh yea, but I'll end up being like you. "You can live on your own without your parents, you know. It's ok to walk away from them." Lolia was at least five years older than I was, and I bet she knew more about life, so trying to comfort her with my words made me feel ridiculous. What did I know about being disowned? Nothing.

Lolia gave me a sad smile. "It's easier said than done. I always run away from everything, so I don't feel hurt. The one time when I decide to run toward something, that something isn't there. No matter how hard I try."

I reached out to her, but she shook me off, backing away and leaving my hand in the air. I let it fall as she wiped her face haphazardly and forced her demeanor back to the Lolia I know. "You know what Yasmin is doing is because of you, right?"

Back to this topic, I had been dreading for weeks. I cleared my dry throat before I answered her, "What is Yasmin doing? Buying me gifts?"

She glanced at me and smiled, not a sad smile this time. "You have no idea the gem you have in Yasmin, despite her anger issues. You don't value what you have until you lose it."

She turned to her phone, which she used as a mirror to tidy up her makeup, as I shifted uneasily where I stood. What was it that everyone knew that I didn't know? "Thanks a lot. See you around," I told her, strutting toward the door.

She only nodded and continued with what she was doing.

There was a vacuum that followed me as I walked away. I was always running away since I became a lesbian but never looked back to see who I was leaving behind or hurting. Bella.

Do you like Lolia now? At least she apologized right? Don't forget to vote for her!

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Do you like Lolia now? At least she apologized right? Don't forget to vote for her!

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