27 | the eagles' nest

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" There is always a glimmer in those who have been through the dark

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" There is always a glimmer in those who have been through the dark."

- Unknown


Bavaria had to be one of the most beautiful places that Hazel had ever been too, its mountains with their snow covered peaks, the bright sunshine shining brightly down on top of the trees, from the blue sky, the air sweet and warm, with a slight mountain breeze blowing in every so often.

Over the past few days as April faded into May, Hazel had felt herself slowly coming out of the slump that Landsberg had seemed to throw her into. She smiled more, she laughed more, she was just significantly happier.

Hazel noticed that Joe came out of the slump as well, the both of them really. Hazel had noticed that Joe had been really upset about the entire thing for a few days, but Hazel was too and she couldn't blame him, no one could.

The emotions connected to the day at the camp would be carried around with every soldier currently here.

So there Hazel sat, on the ground next to Joe, the raybands covering her eyes from the sun, as she sat criss cross applesauce, looking at the smooth pebble that was in her hands. She had picked it up a few days back, brought it all the way from Thalem, she still had it. Just a tiny little pebble. They were currently awaiting passage or word from Division on whether or not the engineers were coming to blow through the wall that blocked their trek up to Berchtesgaden.

She had heard about Hitler's death but knew there was still a war to fight, to battle through, to finish for once and for all.

Hazel watched curiously from her spot as Chuck with his Bazooka in hand and Christenson walked towards the rock that had been purposely placed there to block them from going through. Hazel gently leaned her hand against her bent hand and watched curiously.

Chuck set up his Bazooka before cracking off a shot forward from the weapon. It hit the front of the rock mass, spitting up dust and dirt and debris, but barely making a dent, the sounds of a few birds squawking and flying away was the only real reaction. Catherine was watching from where she stood beside Nixon, her helmet shading her eyes from the sun. She smirked watching Chuck go along with his grandiose plan.

" When are we expecting the engineers to arrive?" Dick asked, out loud, laying back and seemingly sunning himself.

" Half an hour ago." Nixon muttered, annoyed.

" We're stuck here until they do, Nix." Dick said, and Catherine smirked, crossing her arms over her chest.

" Well, if you're the SS you're not gonna let us Waltz into Hitler's house." Nixon said and Catherine snickered, " Probably throw a few rocks at us yourself."

" If you're looking for someone to find another way up that mountain, Easy Company is ready and willing." a voice said and Catherine looked up to see Speirs heading toward the two, with a proud, determined smile upon his features.

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