47: d-day plus 434

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" Any time women come together for the collective intention, a powerful thing. Whether it's sitting down making a quilt, in a kitchen preparing a meal, in a club reading the same book, or around the table playing cards, or planning a birthday party, when women come together with a collective intention - magic happens."

- Phylicia Rashad

~ a quote on the power of Operation Virago


as the author i myself am not ready, so i kept saying 'it's ok we have postwar after this' so that i could still see through the tears ;)


" EYYYY Tiny!" Johnny called, as Hazel let out an innocent little laugh as she came up towards the base, the bat in her grasp, a real smile, a one that had seen tears, grief, sadness, pain, on her face, as the warm sun bathed her entire being, in the late afternoon light.

Hazel finally felt the warmth on her skin that she had missed so much, a warmth that could've resembled so much more, but for that moment it was simply, so simply, the warmth of the sun.

" You took a perfect shot right before this, Tiny, you got this, alright?" she heard Buck say as she stood in front of him, bat lined up with a smirk on her face.

One or two practice shots had helped her get into the swing of things.

Quite literally.

People cheered and called out towards her and each other, pure joy across all of their faces, this truthful and real happiness, to simply just be here, in this beautiful world, to be here in a world where the war for a moment didn't overpower everything else, that just simply living their lives was what was most powerful of all.

Hazel smirked proudly at Johnny who grinned.

Then Johnny threw the ball, launching it forward and Hazel watched with growing anticipation as she swung the bat around, cracking the bat against the ball like a whip watching it sail out over Johnny, through the sky into the outfield.

An excited cheer left Hazel's throat as she threw the bat to the ground, cheers erupting from her team on the bench and even Buck as she raced towards first a grin lighting up her entire face.

Feet kicking up the dirt, panting the slightest bit, feeling a bit of sweat form on her forehead as her body pushed her forward as she giggled like a little girl again.

Zipping past first she gave a smirk to George who came launching the ball towards Skinny at second, where she just turned at the right amount to go streaking towards third. She let out a laugh as she crashed into Joe's side making it to third in the knick of time as he grasped onto her laughing as well, a joyful, so care free, so boyish laugh, one she hadn't heard in a while.

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