Chapter 1 - Rainey

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Hi, my name is Lorraine Wright. I'm half american from my dad side, half korean from my mom side. I'm from Charlottesville, but I have lived in LA since I was 18, because my aunt who had a restaurant in LA asked me to work for her. My parents agreed as long as my aunt took care of my living and food. And my aunt sent the salary to dad's account. Apparently my parents forget that I have needs. But I couldn't protest. The money goes to my stepbrother health treatment. My brother is autism. He can't speak. He expresses what he wants with drawing and I love him so much. So if you asked me, if I had a chance to take all my salary for my own needs, will I do that? In a heartbeat I will say no.

It was my first summer in LA. I got another job. I still helped at my aunt's restaurant but like I told you I do have needs, so I need extra money for my own self. A bunch of teenagers in LA was looking for a private assistant (PA) to help them with their job. And since they are just social media celebrities, they didn't need one PA for each of them. They just need 1 for the 5 of them. I applied, they called for an interview and I nailed it. I got the job! But it only lasted for a year before the group teared apart, actually more to the leader messed up. But as their PA, I had a lot of advantages. I met a lot of people and connections. So when they broke up, I called one of the media that often featured my ex 5 bosses and asked them for a job. They know me so well, and know my capacity. I landed the job as a staff member at first. By that time, my aunt was planning to go back to Korea. She decided to go back after her first love called her and said he missed her. So, one day my aunt gave some money for a goodbye. Off she went... flew back to Korea.

My parents were asking me to go back to Charlottesville but I couldn't. I just landed a job in a media company. So reluctantly they gave me permission to stay in LA on my own.

I lived happily for a while. I had a job, I had a bunch of friends, and at night I worked in the bar as a bartender (not that my parents know of this). I need to earn money to help my brother's treatment. I worked my ass off from just a staff, to the columnists, and I was planning to land the job as the editor for their news column. But, that was when I pulled the wrong trigger. I dated my coworker and he was a douchebag, He stole my idea and told the boss it was his idea. He got the editor position. I hate him and I hate my boss. He should've known that was my idea. I've been working for that idea in months. So I resigned.

Yes... I was jobless (again) even though I still have a job as a bartender. But I need more money to live in this city and to send some money for my family. I know I was so stupid, made a decision with my ego, but I couldn't stand to see my ex boyfriend becomes my editor with my idea. One night I was sitting in the bar before the opening hour with my laptop looking for a job, when my mom called me and told me that my brother collapsed and needed money for surgery. I was crying in the bar. That was the moment when one of my best friends, Kirk, came to me and gave me a good deal (or I thought at that time it was a good deal).

Long story short, my brother's surgery went well, he got out from the hospital. My parents still didn't know I was jobless. I was (and am) still working as a bartender. And I got a call from Madeline Parker. One of my ex bosses back then when I was a PA. Back then Madeline was a social media celebrity along with Meredith Underhill, her best friend and now a Hollywood superstar. Apparently she works for Hall Industry and was looking for someone to help her for an event. I took the chance of course since I need a job. Even though it was a part time job. I was hoping I could land a job at Hall Industries. Who doesn't want to work at Hall Industries? The biggest showbiz company in the world.

The events went well. The big boss loves my job, and voila! I landed a job. At one lunch after the events, Madeline offered the job for me to work in the Hall Charity. I worked at the Hall Charity for 3 months and Madeline asked me whether I want to work for Ethan Hall, the CEO of Hall Industries and Madeline's fiancé, as his executive assistant. Of course I want to! That is a great job! Madeline is Ethan Hall's executive assistant, but she will be the leader of THF (The Hall Foundation) once she becomes Mrs. Hall, and she feels bad for leaving Ethan. So, she asks me to take the job. She said she knows for sure I will nail it. I'm so happy someone looked up at my capability.

So, here I am... in the Hall Industries on the top floor, working as Ethan Hall executive assistant. Ding! Ah, the big boss is here. I take my iPad ready to greet my boss.

Ethan Hall emerges from the elevator as usual using his ridiculously expensive suit and shoes (not that I will say it in my whole life). Young billionaire, dark handsome look, genius, tall, broad shoulders. Good job, Madeline!

"Morning boss!" I say cheerily.

"Morning, Rainey" Ethan walks to his office and I follow him. It's my job to know my boss' mood. Like today he is not in his good mood. Well, actually I know he won't be in his good mood until his wedding day since my best friend/his fiancé doesn't want to see him until the wedding day to make it special.

"Do you need a cup of coffee, Ethan?" I ask him even though I know he wouldn't ask me to bring him a coffee. Madeline told me that my job is executive assistant, not an admin coffee maker. But today my boss' mood is worse than the economy of the world, so he might want some refresher.

He shakes his head and asks me to start talking about his schedule. After I'm done I'm waiting for his instruction.

He looks at me and sighs. "Did Madeline come to the office?"

I shake my head. He is actually smart enough to know it but he is still asking.

He leans back "is it necessary for the woman to do this? It's not like she enjoys being separate with me" he complains.

I shrug "she just wants to make the wedding day special. Endure it, boss. But I think she will loves it if you tell her you are miserable without her"

He curses under his breath "miserable is understatement"

I have to do my best to not crack. God, I want to laugh! He is so whipped!

"By the way, Rainey... after the wedding I will go for 2 weeks with Madeline for our honeymoon. Since I'm not here, you don't have any significant work to do. But my COO is having trouble with his assistant. He asked me whether he can 'borrow' you for 2 weeks. Hopefully in 2 weeks the HR will get him a new assistant. Is that okay for you?"

I shrug "I don't see any problem with that"

He nods "okay. I will let him know. He is still in Asia to handle some work. I will introduce you two when he gets back to here"

"Okay... oh Ethan, Madeline told me to remind you to take your wedding tux from the store. Would you like me to handle it?"

"Ask Madeline to handle it" he snaps. I know he's not mad at me. He just wants to have a reason to summon his fiancé back to the house.

I look at my iPad and read Madeline's email "she said if Ethan asks me to handle it, tell him it's his tux. He is the one who will wear the tux. Not me" I look at Ethan and I add "she said I quote"

Ethan's face amused. Somewhat he didn't think his fiancé already prepared the answer for him. Nor me, I thought Madeline just being silly, turned out she knows her fiancé this well.

"Tell her it's her job as my executive assistant"

"Um... she said..." I look at my iPad and read "if Ethan said to tell me that is my job as his executive assistant, please tell him that he is the one who insisted me to have an assistant" I look up at Ethan.

My boss couldn't help the grin on his face "wise ass"

I look at my iPad. "Um.. you want me to read the answer for that too? Or you want to read it by yourself"

He raises an eyebrow at me

Okay boss! I inhale "She said I quote... yes wise ass! I'm wise enough to choose you, and you love my ass too much that's why you couldn't live a day without staring at it. But still, you have to endure it. See you at the altar, baby. PS: seriously Ethan, you asked Rainey to read this too?" I read like a super boring literature teacher back in high school. I look at Ethan. "Um... you need something else from me, Ethan?"

His face still amused "no Rainey. Can you close the door when you go? I need to call my fiancé and I don't want anyone to disturb me"

"Noted boss!"

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