Chapter 14 - Rainey

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I smell a familiar clean laundry. I try to open my eyes but it hurts. Oh my God. Where am I? I sit down very slowly and open my eyes at the same speed. I look around. Huh? Where am I. This is not my apartment and I don't think it's Meredith's. I look at the coffee table. My phone and... a bottle of Advil, a bottle of water, a mug. I take Advil and water. I lean back and let the medicine work.

I can feel the Thor's hammer in my head. Jeez... like I'm back to my teenage life. Wasted and drunk (not that it often happened back then).

After I don't know how long.. I feel better. I reach the mug and open it. It's coffee and it smells good. I smile to myself. I drink and choke. Jeez it's black. I put it back. I'm a big fan of creamer and sugar in my coffee. I take my phone and I realized one thing. I'm... naked. Actually I'm in my underwear. Oh my God. It's better to be Madeline who strips me.

I take my phone and there are 4 messages. Mom, Madeline and 2 from Mike. What an M morning today...

Mom: hi sweetie, how are you? Do you have time to video call with John? He misses you. So do I and your dad. How's your new job? Everything is great?

Rainey: hey mom! I'm sorry I was so busy these past weeks. Sure we can video call this afternoon. I miss all of you too! Look I'm going to find a cheap ticket so I can fly back to Connecticut.

That's done, I open Mads' text.

Madeline: call me when you awake. Can't wait to hear the juicy gossip 😏

Huh... What is she talking about? I skip her text and look at the one from Mike.

Mike: Rainey, I have to go to DC. Hope you feel better when you wake up. I have bacon and eggs in the fridge, and there are breads and jam too. Feel free to ride the kitchen. Call me when you are awake. Okay?

Another message after few hours.

Mike: Hey, are you still sleeping Rainey? You can stay in my place if you want. I left the key in the foyer table. Your car is still in Meredith's apartment. You can use my car if you want. The FOB also in the foyer table. But I think I know you better than that. You will call an uber to pick you up. Anyway I just arrived in DC. Text you later. Take care.

Wait wait... what is he talking about? I look around. Okay, this is not my place. And... I look at the ajar door, that should be a wardrobe. I walk slowly there.

I look at the drawer and close my eyes. Men's clothing. I'm still in denial mode so I walk to the closet and look at all the men's toiletries. I look at the mirror. Shit I'm still in my underwear. I wrap myself with the robe.

I walk outside. Is this a house or apartment? I walk in the hall and arrive in the living room. A big living room. With couches and a fireplace, at the other corner it has a big open kitchen. The windows full glasses looking over the park. What a great place! And this is an apartment.

I walk to the big bookshelf. There are some pictures there. I inhale deeply to brace myself even though I am already who is in the picture. Mike... with most likely his parents. He is a spitting image of his Italian mom.

I'm at Mike's apartment. So it means he was the one who stripped me last night. Why did he take me here instead of my own place? I sit on the couch. Hmm cozy! That's not important! What should I do now? As if my phone knows what is on my mind it rings!

I jump a bit and look at the name. Mike Anderson. Of course, who else?

I debate myself whether I have to answer his phone or not. Stop being a childish Rainey!

"Hello?" I say. My voice is small.

"Hey, are you awake? Or did I wake you up?"

"No no. I'm awake"

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